An Original Work / March 25, 2018
Based off Isaiah 53
Who has believed our message?
To whom has our Lord been revealed?
He had no beauty or majesty;
His looks, to none did appeal.
He was despised, rejected.
A man of much suff’ring and pain,
From whom people have hid their faces,
then looked...
forgive me please if the expression, "at the foot of the Cross" bugs you in any way as being not Scriptural, but please bear with me as i attempt to 'paint a picture' for your consideration. Thank you in advance.
Christ and Him crucified. The foot of the Cross, one of the many cruel...
Friday, May 5, 2017, 8:41 p.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “Gift of God.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read John 19 (quoting select vv. NASB).
The Son of God (vv. 5-7)
Jesus then came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate *said to them, “Behold, the...