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  1. emanuel88

    What is faith ? How does faith vs works live in your life ?

    Do you have faith ? One word that will give you the special relation between God and man ! How does yur faith work in your life ? How many life and death situations has it saved you. Will quote scripture and find the real things about faith. See how it is changed thru greek and hebrew ! Why...
  2. Sue J Love

    Faith, Hope, and Love

    An Original Work / February 10, 2025 Christ’s Free Servant, Sue J Love
  3. Sue J Love

    No Delight in Your Assemblies

    The author is God, via his servant and prophet Amos. God’s people had fallen away from the purpose God had for their lives, and they had gone after the gods of this world to worship them, instead. They were full of injustice, and they refused to walk in the righteousness of God. They hated being...
  4. Bethel

    UNIVERSALISM : A Free Ticket To HELL

    Reader.. If you are an unbeliever...... If you are not a Christian...... And i told you that there is no need for you to Trust in Christ.....there is no need for you to Believe In Jesus... there is no need for you to Receive Christ as your Savior.. and there is no need for you to come to Jesus...
  5. Bethel

    Calvinism - HyperCalvinism - TULIP : Simplified

    Reader... John Calvinism.. Hyper Calvinism.. The "5 Points" "TULIP">... is a Theological blasphemy committed willfully against the Holy Spirit, that is incredible. ITs an attack on God, personally,...... and an attack against the Cross, Literally. John Calvin has his deceived believing that...
  6. Bethel

    JESUS : Is Alive

    Jesus : is Risen = =
  7. B

    God in ancient China

    These two videos reveal interesting evidence of the knowledge and worship of God in ancient China. Feel free to share comments after you have watched/listened to the presentations. The book, Faith of our Fathers, by CK Thong, is also worth reading if you have or make the opportunity...
  8. 6

    The Love of God

    Is the Love of God a feeling? Is it a concept that we cannot experience? Do we know what exactly is the Love of God? 1 John 4:7: "God Is Love" This means that everything he does is Love because He is Love. There will never ever be an action even in His anger that is not out of Love. For God...
  9. Z

    Can I still go to heaven or not?

    Here's why I believe that I can't be forgiven. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is believing that the Holy Spirit is a demonic spirit. I think that I first started having these thoughts when I was a kid at 14 after hearing about the unforgivable sin. Then I actually believed one of the thoughts...
  10. Bethel

    JESUS : IS Alive

  11. 7

    Jesus and Jehovah (comparison)

  12. 7

    The good shepherd (parable analysis)

    Hi everyone. I just found interesting analysis of the parable and want to share it with you :) This one is also important
  13. Q

    The ONLY true God who Christ serves- IGNORED by Churchianity!

    Yes, Christ identified who was God (not himself or a 'Holy Ghost')! For example~ John 17:3- Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. What part of ONLY don't you Trinitarians understand?
  14. Q

    Do you know the God of Jesus Christ?

    Jesus said he served Him. He said he came to make Him known!
  15. theQuestion

    Resurrection vs "IMMORTAL soul"

    Adam became a soul, not had an 'immortal soul' put in him. God said that to rebel against Him would result in DEATH (not continuing alive as an 'immortal soul'). Satan said otherwise! What does your CHURCH teach?
  16. Living Stone

    The sheer goodness of God

    Luke 15:11-24 The Parable of the Prodigal Son While this parable has application to an unsaved person who turns towards God it also has great application to a Christian who has not been walking with God as they once were, but turns back towards God. The most revealing truth about the parable is...
  17. B

    Is God Racist?

    Is God racist? This might seem like an odd question but... There are professing 'Christians' in the world who are racist, either actively or sub-consciously. Is there justification for racism for Christians? Racism is often seen as something exclusive to Caucasian peoples but history is full...
  18. T

    How I became free from sin and received the Holy Spirit?

    If you are interested in freedom from sin: read below. After God gave me the Holy Spirit, I found proof that TV, movies, novels, music, video games and computer games are all sins, except Christian stuff that don’t have sins like sermons and Christian music words that gives messages. I found...
  19. Caitlin

    I feel scared and sad and hopeless

    Hi, I feel sad and hopeless. I saw the gospel message like last may and believed it and repented but then I ended up having a thoughts problem after fear of the unpardonable sin and attacked with unwanted blasphemous thoughts made my head obsessive and I have a fear of thinking sinful...
  20. Olulu

    Can you still fail if inspired by God?

    "If you are inspired by God to do something, can you still fail?" That's was the question sent to me by a reader of my unpublished memoir - An Entreprenuer’s Diary of Being Broke and in Debt. Based on my experience, the answer was very simple. But if I said "yes," the next question would be...