SCRIPTURE: 'Now, to the one with enough power to prevent you from stumbling into sin and bring you faultless before his glorious presence to stand before him with ecstatic delight, to the only God our Savior, through our Lord Jesus Christ, be endless glory and majesty, great power and...
as the title says, what is 'Perfect' or what is 'Perfection'?
If I asked you to describe it to me, how would you do so?
When Abram was a tender 90 years old, the LORD said unto him, "I am the Almighty God; walk before Me, and be thou perfect." from Genesis 17:1 KJV
Did Abram have...
While being “perfect” may sound like an impossible task, today Derek has made that goal seem not only possible, but also attainable. God has given us definite steps to attain that goal, not something vague or imprecise, but rather clear and practical steps we can take to reach the goal He has...