Sufferings of Job
A summary of the book of Job
Job was a righteous man in God’s eyes. The Bible says that he was “blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.” Yet, God permitted Satan to come against Job to test Job’s faith. In one day Job lost most all his servants, his animals, and...
Monday, May 1, 2017, 7:00 a.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “Amazing Grace.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read John 9:1-11 (NIV).
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”...
Tuesday, October 25, 2016, midnight – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read Psalm 73 (Select vv. NIV).
God is Good (v. 1)
A psalm of Asaph.
Surely God is good to Israel,
to those who are pure in heart.
When you...
Thursday, April 16, 2015, 6:30 a.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “Open My Heart.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read Acts 9:1-19 (ESV).
Christian Persecution
But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him...