So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many days. There was always enough flour and olive oil left in the containers, just as the LORD had promised through Elijah. 1 Kings 17:15-16 NLT
What did the widow have in mind as a solution to her need for food...
Being in whom universe rests and being who submitted and subjected yourself to humanity. Thanks is insufficient to express my gratitude for your provision from before the foundation of universe and since until now. That You are and are with us makes bearable our/my sojourn in this physical...
God is with us even until the end of the age and the grave. God is for us in His provision of all that pertains to life and godliness. The King of humanity, God/Jesus, is coming and holds the keys to death and the grave. Let not our hearts be troubled. Let us be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome...
Us humans have got enough anxiety with things like finance, in this human system, health, in our physical existence here on earth, and family without other humans insinuating that God/Jesus is not able to provide peace for our hearts and minds in Him. Though mere humans may hypocritically judge...
How tough it is for us mere humans, stuck on this pebble we call earth and limited solely to observation by our physical senses, to perceive how what we see and hear as paradise. In understanding of what is written and by God's provision we can. Are we not crucified with Christ and seated with...
Most of us mere humans through our ignorance of what the whole Bible is saying and our reliance on our mere human understanding will obtain justice. Some will receive mercy solely on the basis of Your provision for us on the cross and your provision for our understanding of what is written...
I had to know there's more myself. What an amazing being who has and is providing for our creature comforts and, more so, that He has and is providing that we might know and understand Him, whose ways and thoughts are above our mere human ways and thoughts. More amazing still is that, knowing...
You, oh Lord, know that it is my resolve, to be so possessed with gratitude for what You have done, are doing, and hold for me that i have no time for dissatisfaction, self-pity, anger, hatred, cutting people off in traffic, and even screaming at or beating folk up. You, oh Lord, have never...
If a humans does not know what danger it faces, it is disinclined to seek escape. Jesus said in this world we've got trouble but as bad as it gets we can be of good cheer for He has overcome and is coming to receive us who love His appearing. Thanks be to you Lord God Jesus for your provision...