An Original Work / April 23, 2012
Based off Hebrews 12:2-13
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.
Our faith starts and grows in Him,
Who for the joy set before Him
Endured all our sin.
Scorning the shame of the cross,
He sat down beside God above.
He was willing to die for us,
To save us, in love...
Hey guys! Yeah, I may sound a little crazy. I must admit I don't understand many things - I'm still young (15). Tho, I'd like to share an amazing experience with y'all! Also, sorry for potential mistakes, I'm not fluent!
I'll add additional info here: I also remember that I prayed to God to...
This is an awesome and simple, straightforward way to know if you're growing in Christ. Just read it and it all makes sense. Nothing complex, just basic truths.
God’s desire is that we keep growing in spiritual maturity until the day we die.
By Charles F. Stanley