You know the longer I wait the more mercy is required because of my begging for my will rather than giving thanks in patience. Because of the infliction of suffering and murder on you, the only holy and righteous human, which you withstood for our behalf our enemy has no right to continue to...
we would not see the hatred and hostility that we do. If we study the whole Bible and seek God/Jesus' understanding peace which passes understanding is available whatever humanity presents us. Lean not on mere human understanding, ours or humanity's, and God/Jesus' peace will guard our hearts...
here and, more importantly, hereafter, we humans who diligently or unceasingly learn about You from the Bible and seek Your understanding of what is meant by what is written rather than humanity's mistaken understanding. Thank you God/Jesus that your spirit is being poured out through at least...
which is only possible by studying the whole Bible, while seeking Him for understanding, and seeing how He interacts and provides for those humans who are written of. God is no respecter of humans(Acts 10:34), He will do and does for us what He has done. God/Jesus wants us to know Him but He is...
Oh, we of little faith. It's our lack of faith, our unbelief, and chiefly our err in not knowing and understanding what the whole of scripture is really saying rather than what mere humans have come to take that it says. In knowing Jesus has overcome and has provided that we've made it this far...
It is sin to be so enraptured by ourselves, humanity, and this mere physical realm with our little lifetimes in it, that our greatest desire is not to understand the bigger picture and what God/Jesus is about. Jesus called His disciples friend because we know what He's up to. There are two...
Most will refuse to consider that humanity's generally accepted understanding is mistaken and they will continue to lean on it and their's rather than seeking for God/Jesus' understanding.
How tough it is for us mere humans, stuck on this pebble we call earth and limited solely to observation by our physical senses, to perceive how what we see and hear as paradise. In understanding of what is written and by God's provision we can. Are we not crucified with Christ and seated with...
I had to know there's more myself. What an amazing being who has and is providing for our creature comforts and, more so, that He has and is providing that we might know and understand Him, whose ways and thoughts are above our mere human ways and thoughts. More amazing still is that, knowing...
Revelation 12:9-11 As is written, the "accuser" of humanity/humans before God accuses us day and night. Should we humans submit to and adopt his influence in judging and condeming others, here on this planet, rather than the one we know best: ourselves? In so doing, we provide him/Satan more...