First and foremost, I am married. I am not looking for my soulmate, I married him
However, it took me a full 27 years to find my husband, so I do remember what it was like to be lonely and looking for that special someone who will say "Whither thou goest...."
Remember what Paul had to say about Love:
He started out right off the bat with "Love is patient."
Therefore be patient. Many people try to get all of the details of living (like finding a mate) "over with" before they even begin their walk with God. Make God your first Love and your proper soulmate (and every other blessing God has in store for you) will find you that much faster. Delight in the Lord and you shall have all the desires of your heart (I forget the chapter/verse but that's a quote).
Love is kind.
I have seen a lot of people fall into ungodly behavior out of a too-desperate desire to find love. Some settle for lust, some become bitter and indifferent. Make certain you are nurturing a Kind Love lest the devil plant a far darker seed in its place.
Love does not envy. It does not boast and it is not proud.
Many people spend way too much energy staring at other couples who "have everything" and not near enough time cleaning up their own lives and spirits to welcome a union with a godly partner. Also beware the secular huminist "self-help" and "self-esteem" doctrines that teach you to love yourself first and foremost. That path leads to all manner of (false) confidence, but it doesn't lead to humility or grace, and it doesn't honor God.
Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs.
Rudeness speaks again to the temptation towards ungodly behavior, and also to a tendency in us to want to "test" our mates to see how much they love us. Further if you are only seeking a partner who will love you, then you don't understand the nature of love. Ask God to send you someone for you to love before you ask God to send someone who will love you. Lay aside any of your anger towards those who failed to be the partner you needed, and put away the "scorecard" for any relationship past or present.
Love delights not in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
If you want a Godly Love to come into your life, make sure your life is Godly enough to accomodate it. God knows you aren't (and can't yet be) perfect. Still ... Put away carnal thoughts about your future mate. Worry less about whether he or she will have enough money, or nice enough looks, or whatever, and open yourself to the kind of person God knows you need to grow in His Grace.
Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perserveres.
This is why the first Love in your life should be God. No one else can really be relied upon to always do anything, but God is good for keeping His word. With that Higher Love in place, you are held in a state of graceful protection where you can find the earthly love you seek.
Once you think you've found that special someone, treat him or her according to these instructions as well. The truth is that whomever you treat this way is quite likely to become a viable mate, provided that person had not already cleaved to another or is forbidden to you by gender.
Remember always that last but not least...
Love never fails.
However, it took me a full 27 years to find my husband, so I do remember what it was like to be lonely and looking for that special someone who will say "Whither thou goest...."
Remember what Paul had to say about Love:
He started out right off the bat with "Love is patient."
Therefore be patient. Many people try to get all of the details of living (like finding a mate) "over with" before they even begin their walk with God. Make God your first Love and your proper soulmate (and every other blessing God has in store for you) will find you that much faster. Delight in the Lord and you shall have all the desires of your heart (I forget the chapter/verse but that's a quote).
Love is kind.
I have seen a lot of people fall into ungodly behavior out of a too-desperate desire to find love. Some settle for lust, some become bitter and indifferent. Make certain you are nurturing a Kind Love lest the devil plant a far darker seed in its place.
Love does not envy. It does not boast and it is not proud.
Many people spend way too much energy staring at other couples who "have everything" and not near enough time cleaning up their own lives and spirits to welcome a union with a godly partner. Also beware the secular huminist "self-help" and "self-esteem" doctrines that teach you to love yourself first and foremost. That path leads to all manner of (false) confidence, but it doesn't lead to humility or grace, and it doesn't honor God.
Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs.
Rudeness speaks again to the temptation towards ungodly behavior, and also to a tendency in us to want to "test" our mates to see how much they love us. Further if you are only seeking a partner who will love you, then you don't understand the nature of love. Ask God to send you someone for you to love before you ask God to send someone who will love you. Lay aside any of your anger towards those who failed to be the partner you needed, and put away the "scorecard" for any relationship past or present.
Love delights not in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
If you want a Godly Love to come into your life, make sure your life is Godly enough to accomodate it. God knows you aren't (and can't yet be) perfect. Still ... Put away carnal thoughts about your future mate. Worry less about whether he or she will have enough money, or nice enough looks, or whatever, and open yourself to the kind of person God knows you need to grow in His Grace.
Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perserveres.
This is why the first Love in your life should be God. No one else can really be relied upon to always do anything, but God is good for keeping His word. With that Higher Love in place, you are held in a state of graceful protection where you can find the earthly love you seek.
Once you think you've found that special someone, treat him or her according to these instructions as well. The truth is that whomever you treat this way is quite likely to become a viable mate, provided that person had not already cleaved to another or is forbidden to you by gender.
Remember always that last but not least...
Love never fails.