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— Salvation In Christ has two sides. The Legal side and the Vital side. The Legal Side of Salvation refers to Christ's Atonement, the Substitutionary Cross-Work of Christ, which God did and finished in the past FOR US. That is, all that God accomplished in the past for us through Christ's Crucifixion, Death, Burial and Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15 vs 3 - 4).
Meanwhile, the Vital Side of God's Salvation has to do with us engaging our Faith in Christ's finished Cross-Work, in order to receive Eternal Life, and experience the Joy of Salvation In Christ. Amen. It is the application of Christ's Atonement IN US through the present work of the Holy Spirit, the implementation of the Legal Side of Salvation in us that Believe (1 Corinthians 1 vs 30).
— The past Finished Cross-Work of Christ is the Legal side of Salvation because it perfectly satisfied the Righteous demands of God's Law and Justice, thereby providing the unshakable base upon which God stands Right, to be the Just Judge and the Justifier of all Ungodly Sinners that Believe (Romans 3 vs 26).
But the present Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believers today is the Vital side of Salvation because it gave Eternal Life experientially to spiritually Dead Men, in satisfaction of God's Love and Mercy to Mankind (Ephesians 2 vs 4 - 7). Through our Faith alone in Christ's Cross-Work, we abundantly received Vitality, that is, the Regeneration of our Dead spirits, the Renewal of our Corrupt Souls and the promised future glorious Resurrection of our Mortal Bodies (Titus 3 vs 4 - 7).
— The Legal Side and the Vital Side of Salvation are two aspects of the same Salvation, just like two sides of the same coin. This is a simple but yet profound Truth that many Right Dividers are still clueless about. Consequently, the Ambassador's Ministry of Reconciliation becomes dysfunctional, because of their ignorance of this significant Truth (2 Corinthians 5 vs 18 - 19).
— Nevertheless, armed with this Legal and Vital side of Salvation in our minds, let us now examine the following examples from Paul's Epistles : -
1.) Romans 3 vs 25 KJV.
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,
to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past,
through the forbearance of God;
— "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation" is God's Will, universally applied to all Sinners without their Faith. This is the Legal side of Salvation. Propitiation is universal but it is not Eternal Life. Propitiation is God's Provision for Salvation. By Grace, God chose to punish Jesus Christ for all the Sins of the Whole World (1 John 2 vs 1 - 2). Thus, the Legal Side of Salvation depends on GOD'S GOOD WILL.
— But the Vital Side of Salvation depends on MAN'S FREE WILL. "Through Faith in His Blood" means that only those Sinners who chose to personally put their Faith in the Propitiatory Blood of Christ alone, actually receive Eternal Life now, and vitally experience the Joy of Salvation In Christ (Romans 3 vs 22). "Faith in His Blood" is our present Possession of God's Propitiation experientially. Therefore, the Vital side of Salvation requires Mans volition, our Will.
2.) Romans 5 vs 10 KJV.
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son,
much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is the COMPLETED WORK of Christ, in the Past. At once, on the cross, God already reconciled with us His Enemies objectively, by the Death of His Son about 2000 Years ago. This universal reconciliation, "when we were enemies", is not Eternal Life (Romans 5 vs 10). It is the Legal Side of salvation that removes the Enmity between Man and his Maker. Thereby making Man's future individual reconciliation with God to be possible (2 Corinthians 5 vs 19).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is the CONTINUOUS WORK of the indwelling Holy Spirit in preserving us, beginning at the instant we believe the Grace Gospel, until Christ's Mystery Coming (Ephesians 1 vs 12 - 14). Today, "Being reconciled, we shall be saved by His Life" is limited to the Eternally Secured, Spirit-Sealed Believers uniquely. Only Believers who were individually reconciled to God, by their reception of the Resurrected Life of Christ, through Faith in His Blood, shall be saved from God's future Wrath (Romans 5 vs 9). This individual reconciliation is Eternal Life. It is the Vital experience of Salvation In Christ by Faith
— Therefore, as a special note, it is crucially important to discern whether a Bible Teacher is speaking about the Legal aspect of Reconciliation which God did UNIVERSALLY and completed at the Cross (Colossians 1 vs 20), OR the Bible Teacher is speaking about the Vital aspect of Reconciliation which began in us INDIVIDUALLY at the moment we received Christ Jesus the Lord, by Grace through Faith in Christ's Reconciling Blood. Amen. (Colossians 1 vs 21 - 22).
3.) 2 Corinthians 5 vs 14 - 15 KJV.
For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge,
that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all,
that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves,
but unto him which died for them, and rose again.
— The Legal Side of Salvation involves ALL SINNERS, Federally Represented by One Man, Christ. "That if one died for all, then were all dead" in Verse 14 is the Legal Side of Salvation, the past completed Cross-Work of Christ that applies universally to all Sinners. In the mind of God, all Sinners already paid their full wages of Sin, through their union and identification with Christ's Crucifixion and Death. But this Payment for Sins is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. It is God's Gracious offer to Sinners, for their subsequent salvation by Faith (Ephesians 2 vs 4 - 6).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation concerns ALL BELIEVERS in One Body Representing One Man, Christ. In Verse 15, "that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves" speaks of the Vital Side of Salvation, the present Continuous work of the indwelling Spirit of Life, using Inspired Scriptures. The application of Verse 15 is Limited to the Grace Ambassadors, the Earthly Representatives of Christ, who through Faith Alone have received and experienced Eternal Life. This is the Vital Side of Salvation In Christ (Philippians 2 vs 12 - 13).
4.) 2 Corinthians 5 vs 21 KJV.
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is the FOUNDATION of Salvation. "For he hath made him to be sin for us" is the Legal side of Salvation. We know that Israel's sacrificial system foreshadowed Christ's Blood Atonement (1 Peter 2 vs 24). Just as the spotless sacrificial Lamb could not be killed unless it became guilty with the sins of the Sinner, even so, Christ our Sinless Substitute could not be killed, unless Jesus Christ became guilty with all our sins, through God's imputation of Mankind's sins upon Him (Romans 15 vs 3). Otherwise, Christ's Death would just be the unacceptable tragic murder of an innocent Man. So then, neither the Belief or Unbelief of Sinners can revoke, reverse or render of none effect, the Blood Atonement of Christ, nor can God impute, judge and condemn those same sins again upon unrepentant Sinners (2 Corinthians 5 vs 19). God's imputation of the World's Sins on Christ, is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. It is the basis, the Foundation of God's Forgiveness to Sinners, which paves the way for the Sinner's Salvation through Faith. This is the Legal side of Salvation (Romans 4 vs 25).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is the FRUIT of Salvation. "That we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him" is the Vital side of Salvation. It is the benefits of Christ's vicarious Sacrifice being implemented experientially in the Believer. Today, God reckons Faith alone for Righteousness (Romans 4 vs 5). Being made the Righteousness of God today, is rooted in Christ being made Sin on the Cross for us all. Just as the Fruit of the Palm tree is dependent on its Roots for Life and growth, so also, the Vital Side of Salvation is totally dependent on the Legal Side of Salvation for Life and Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5 vs 21).
5.) Galatians 3 vs 13 - 14 KJV.
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us:
for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ;
that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is PROVIDENTIAL. "Christ hath redeemed us (the Jews) from the curse of the law" in Verse 13 is the Legal side of Salvation. Because of the weakness of our Flesh, the Mosaic Law could not give Eternal Life (Galatians 3 vs 21). The Death of Christ redeemed Israel from their faulty Old Covenant. And His redemptive Blood provided a new way for them to receive Eternal Life, through Faith in Christ. This past complete Redemption is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. It is the Great Price that God paid for all men, for the subsequent salvation of Sinners that Believe (Romans 3 vs 23 - 24).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is EXPERIENTIAL. "That we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith" in Verse 14 is the Vital Side of Salvation. Faith is what links the Objective Truth with the Subjective Experience (Galatians 3 vs 1 - 9). Our Faith inseparably links what Christ has done for us, with what Christ is doing in us. The Eternal Life that Christ Legally Provided must be reposed in us Vitally by Faith (Romans 5 vs 1 - 5). What connects Christ's Atonement provided, with Christ in us joyfully experienced, is our Faith. Not distinguishing these two aspects of Salvation, and the over-stressing of the Legal aspect of Salvation, has led many to embrace the heretical doctrine of Universal Salvation without Faith (1 Timothy 4 vs 10).
6.) 1 Timothy 4 vs 10 KJV.
For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God,
who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is UNIVERSALLY applied to all Men. "Who is the Saviour of all men'' speaks of the Legal side of Salvation. Firstly, it is Christ's Death in the Past that removed the Enmity between God and Man, and also reconciled all men to God in an objective way (Colossians 1 vs 20). Secondly, God's introduction of this present Dispensation of Grace, temporarily postponed His prophesied Wrath which was supposed to come upon all Men in this World (1 Timothy 1 vs 15 - 16). And thirdly, God is not imputing Sins to Sinners today. Thus, in this sense is God the Saviour of all Men indeed (2 Peter 3 vs 15). But God's Longsuffering, this present Dispensation of Grace, shall suddenly end at Christ's future Mystery Coming. And Christ shall judge and condemn all Sinners, even those Grace Gospel Rejecters of today, who shall be left behind on Earth. Therefore, this Legal Side of Salvation, God's Longsuffering, is universally applicable to all Men including Sinners (1 Timothy 2 vs 3 - 6).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is LIMITEDLY applied – to Believers only. "Specially to those that Believe" is the Vital Side of Salvation. Without the Sinners Faith Alone in the Gospel of Christ's Cross preached by the Apostle Paul, Almighty God the Saviour becomes powerless to save anybody today (Romans 1 vs 16). Believing the Grace Gospel is the only necessary requirement to receive Eternal Life and experience God's Salvation today (Ephesians 1 vs 12 - 14). Faith makes God's universal Provision of Salvation to have a Limited application. Unlike Sinners, Eternal Life is vitally experienced only by Believers today. Eternal Life without Faith in Christ is Unsound Doctrine that should be vehemently rejected (Ephesians 2 vs 8 - 10).
7.) Titus 2 vs 14 KJV.
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity,
and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is Christ's OBJECTIVE WORK, done outside of ourselves, not requiring our will or opinion or choice. "Who gave Himself for us" is the Legal side of Salvation. This is the Cross-Work of Christ, which God did externally, outwardly from us according to His Will, without our Faith or volition (Galatians 1 vs 3 - 4). Christ's Cross-Work is primary, and has a universal application. This primary work is OBJECTIVE because it is the OBJECT of our Faith today. But it is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. This Primary objective work of Christ is the Legal Side of Salvation.
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is Christ's SUBJECTIVE WORK, done inside of ourselves, involving our Faith, our volition, our choice. "And purify unto himself a peculiar people" is the Vital Side of Salvation. This is the transformative Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer, done internally. Our Faith Alone in the objective work of Christ is required for this Secondary Work of Purification to begin within us. This secondary work is SUBJECTIVE because we are the SUBJECTS in whom the indwelling Spirit of Christ performs the sanctifying Work. This vital experience of Eternal Life is Limited to the Believers in Christ (1 Corinthians 6 vs 11).
In conclusion, we see that the Legal Side of Salvation and the Vital Side of Salvation are inseparably linked and yet clearly distinguished, just like the two sides of the same coin (2 Corinthians 5 vs 21). These two sides must be Rightly Divided, in order to avoid doctrinal confusion and disunity in the Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Timothy 2 vs 14 - 15). The Legal side of Salvation depends on God's Choice of Christ. It is the Past Completed Objective Cross-Work of Christ for All Sinners, which is Universal in Provision, Proportion and Application, the very FOUNDATION of Christianity. Amen. (1 Corinthians 15 vs 1 - 4).
But the Vital side of Salvation requires Man's Choice of Faith. It is the present Continuous Subjective Work of the indwelling Holy Spirit in all Believers today, Limited to Believers in its Application, the very FRUIT of the Christian Faith. So, the Legal aspect of Salvation is The Root, while the Vital aspect of Salvation is The Fruit. Therefore, Rightly Dividing these two important aspects of Salvation in Christ, clearly diffuses the preexisting confusion about Christ's Reconciliation Ministry. This study should change the way we understand certain passages in the Holy Bible. S. D. G. Amen. — 2 Corinthians 5 vs 14 - 21
— Amen.
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By ERIC "Minister of Reconciliation" NGWA.
Rightly Dividing the KING JAMES BIBLE
— Salvation In Christ has two sides. The Legal side and the Vital side. The Legal Side of Salvation refers to Christ's Atonement, the Substitutionary Cross-Work of Christ, which God did and finished in the past FOR US. That is, all that God accomplished in the past for us through Christ's Crucifixion, Death, Burial and Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15 vs 3 - 4).
Meanwhile, the Vital Side of God's Salvation has to do with us engaging our Faith in Christ's finished Cross-Work, in order to receive Eternal Life, and experience the Joy of Salvation In Christ. Amen. It is the application of Christ's Atonement IN US through the present work of the Holy Spirit, the implementation of the Legal Side of Salvation in us that Believe (1 Corinthians 1 vs 30).
— The past Finished Cross-Work of Christ is the Legal side of Salvation because it perfectly satisfied the Righteous demands of God's Law and Justice, thereby providing the unshakable base upon which God stands Right, to be the Just Judge and the Justifier of all Ungodly Sinners that Believe (Romans 3 vs 26).
But the present Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believers today is the Vital side of Salvation because it gave Eternal Life experientially to spiritually Dead Men, in satisfaction of God's Love and Mercy to Mankind (Ephesians 2 vs 4 - 7). Through our Faith alone in Christ's Cross-Work, we abundantly received Vitality, that is, the Regeneration of our Dead spirits, the Renewal of our Corrupt Souls and the promised future glorious Resurrection of our Mortal Bodies (Titus 3 vs 4 - 7).
— The Legal Side and the Vital Side of Salvation are two aspects of the same Salvation, just like two sides of the same coin. This is a simple but yet profound Truth that many Right Dividers are still clueless about. Consequently, the Ambassador's Ministry of Reconciliation becomes dysfunctional, because of their ignorance of this significant Truth (2 Corinthians 5 vs 18 - 19).
— Nevertheless, armed with this Legal and Vital side of Salvation in our minds, let us now examine the following examples from Paul's Epistles : -
1.) Romans 3 vs 25 KJV.
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,
to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past,
through the forbearance of God;
— "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation" is God's Will, universally applied to all Sinners without their Faith. This is the Legal side of Salvation. Propitiation is universal but it is not Eternal Life. Propitiation is God's Provision for Salvation. By Grace, God chose to punish Jesus Christ for all the Sins of the Whole World (1 John 2 vs 1 - 2). Thus, the Legal Side of Salvation depends on GOD'S GOOD WILL.
— But the Vital Side of Salvation depends on MAN'S FREE WILL. "Through Faith in His Blood" means that only those Sinners who chose to personally put their Faith in the Propitiatory Blood of Christ alone, actually receive Eternal Life now, and vitally experience the Joy of Salvation In Christ (Romans 3 vs 22). "Faith in His Blood" is our present Possession of God's Propitiation experientially. Therefore, the Vital side of Salvation requires Mans volition, our Will.
2.) Romans 5 vs 10 KJV.
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son,
much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is the COMPLETED WORK of Christ, in the Past. At once, on the cross, God already reconciled with us His Enemies objectively, by the Death of His Son about 2000 Years ago. This universal reconciliation, "when we were enemies", is not Eternal Life (Romans 5 vs 10). It is the Legal Side of salvation that removes the Enmity between Man and his Maker. Thereby making Man's future individual reconciliation with God to be possible (2 Corinthians 5 vs 19).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is the CONTINUOUS WORK of the indwelling Holy Spirit in preserving us, beginning at the instant we believe the Grace Gospel, until Christ's Mystery Coming (Ephesians 1 vs 12 - 14). Today, "Being reconciled, we shall be saved by His Life" is limited to the Eternally Secured, Spirit-Sealed Believers uniquely. Only Believers who were individually reconciled to God, by their reception of the Resurrected Life of Christ, through Faith in His Blood, shall be saved from God's future Wrath (Romans 5 vs 9). This individual reconciliation is Eternal Life. It is the Vital experience of Salvation In Christ by Faith
— Therefore, as a special note, it is crucially important to discern whether a Bible Teacher is speaking about the Legal aspect of Reconciliation which God did UNIVERSALLY and completed at the Cross (Colossians 1 vs 20), OR the Bible Teacher is speaking about the Vital aspect of Reconciliation which began in us INDIVIDUALLY at the moment we received Christ Jesus the Lord, by Grace through Faith in Christ's Reconciling Blood. Amen. (Colossians 1 vs 21 - 22).
3.) 2 Corinthians 5 vs 14 - 15 KJV.
For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge,
that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all,
that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves,
but unto him which died for them, and rose again.
— The Legal Side of Salvation involves ALL SINNERS, Federally Represented by One Man, Christ. "That if one died for all, then were all dead" in Verse 14 is the Legal Side of Salvation, the past completed Cross-Work of Christ that applies universally to all Sinners. In the mind of God, all Sinners already paid their full wages of Sin, through their union and identification with Christ's Crucifixion and Death. But this Payment for Sins is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. It is God's Gracious offer to Sinners, for their subsequent salvation by Faith (Ephesians 2 vs 4 - 6).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation concerns ALL BELIEVERS in One Body Representing One Man, Christ. In Verse 15, "that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves" speaks of the Vital Side of Salvation, the present Continuous work of the indwelling Spirit of Life, using Inspired Scriptures. The application of Verse 15 is Limited to the Grace Ambassadors, the Earthly Representatives of Christ, who through Faith Alone have received and experienced Eternal Life. This is the Vital Side of Salvation In Christ (Philippians 2 vs 12 - 13).
4.) 2 Corinthians 5 vs 21 KJV.
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is the FOUNDATION of Salvation. "For he hath made him to be sin for us" is the Legal side of Salvation. We know that Israel's sacrificial system foreshadowed Christ's Blood Atonement (1 Peter 2 vs 24). Just as the spotless sacrificial Lamb could not be killed unless it became guilty with the sins of the Sinner, even so, Christ our Sinless Substitute could not be killed, unless Jesus Christ became guilty with all our sins, through God's imputation of Mankind's sins upon Him (Romans 15 vs 3). Otherwise, Christ's Death would just be the unacceptable tragic murder of an innocent Man. So then, neither the Belief or Unbelief of Sinners can revoke, reverse or render of none effect, the Blood Atonement of Christ, nor can God impute, judge and condemn those same sins again upon unrepentant Sinners (2 Corinthians 5 vs 19). God's imputation of the World's Sins on Christ, is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. It is the basis, the Foundation of God's Forgiveness to Sinners, which paves the way for the Sinner's Salvation through Faith. This is the Legal side of Salvation (Romans 4 vs 25).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is the FRUIT of Salvation. "That we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him" is the Vital side of Salvation. It is the benefits of Christ's vicarious Sacrifice being implemented experientially in the Believer. Today, God reckons Faith alone for Righteousness (Romans 4 vs 5). Being made the Righteousness of God today, is rooted in Christ being made Sin on the Cross for us all. Just as the Fruit of the Palm tree is dependent on its Roots for Life and growth, so also, the Vital Side of Salvation is totally dependent on the Legal Side of Salvation for Life and Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5 vs 21).
5.) Galatians 3 vs 13 - 14 KJV.
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us:
for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ;
that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is PROVIDENTIAL. "Christ hath redeemed us (the Jews) from the curse of the law" in Verse 13 is the Legal side of Salvation. Because of the weakness of our Flesh, the Mosaic Law could not give Eternal Life (Galatians 3 vs 21). The Death of Christ redeemed Israel from their faulty Old Covenant. And His redemptive Blood provided a new way for them to receive Eternal Life, through Faith in Christ. This past complete Redemption is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. It is the Great Price that God paid for all men, for the subsequent salvation of Sinners that Believe (Romans 3 vs 23 - 24).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is EXPERIENTIAL. "That we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith" in Verse 14 is the Vital Side of Salvation. Faith is what links the Objective Truth with the Subjective Experience (Galatians 3 vs 1 - 9). Our Faith inseparably links what Christ has done for us, with what Christ is doing in us. The Eternal Life that Christ Legally Provided must be reposed in us Vitally by Faith (Romans 5 vs 1 - 5). What connects Christ's Atonement provided, with Christ in us joyfully experienced, is our Faith. Not distinguishing these two aspects of Salvation, and the over-stressing of the Legal aspect of Salvation, has led many to embrace the heretical doctrine of Universal Salvation without Faith (1 Timothy 4 vs 10).
6.) 1 Timothy 4 vs 10 KJV.
For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God,
who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is UNIVERSALLY applied to all Men. "Who is the Saviour of all men'' speaks of the Legal side of Salvation. Firstly, it is Christ's Death in the Past that removed the Enmity between God and Man, and also reconciled all men to God in an objective way (Colossians 1 vs 20). Secondly, God's introduction of this present Dispensation of Grace, temporarily postponed His prophesied Wrath which was supposed to come upon all Men in this World (1 Timothy 1 vs 15 - 16). And thirdly, God is not imputing Sins to Sinners today. Thus, in this sense is God the Saviour of all Men indeed (2 Peter 3 vs 15). But God's Longsuffering, this present Dispensation of Grace, shall suddenly end at Christ's future Mystery Coming. And Christ shall judge and condemn all Sinners, even those Grace Gospel Rejecters of today, who shall be left behind on Earth. Therefore, this Legal Side of Salvation, God's Longsuffering, is universally applicable to all Men including Sinners (1 Timothy 2 vs 3 - 6).
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is LIMITEDLY applied – to Believers only. "Specially to those that Believe" is the Vital Side of Salvation. Without the Sinners Faith Alone in the Gospel of Christ's Cross preached by the Apostle Paul, Almighty God the Saviour becomes powerless to save anybody today (Romans 1 vs 16). Believing the Grace Gospel is the only necessary requirement to receive Eternal Life and experience God's Salvation today (Ephesians 1 vs 12 - 14). Faith makes God's universal Provision of Salvation to have a Limited application. Unlike Sinners, Eternal Life is vitally experienced only by Believers today. Eternal Life without Faith in Christ is Unsound Doctrine that should be vehemently rejected (Ephesians 2 vs 8 - 10).
7.) Titus 2 vs 14 KJV.
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity,
and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
— The Legal Side of Salvation is Christ's OBJECTIVE WORK, done outside of ourselves, not requiring our will or opinion or choice. "Who gave Himself for us" is the Legal side of Salvation. This is the Cross-Work of Christ, which God did externally, outwardly from us according to His Will, without our Faith or volition (Galatians 1 vs 3 - 4). Christ's Cross-Work is primary, and has a universal application. This primary work is OBJECTIVE because it is the OBJECT of our Faith today. But it is not the automatic possession of Eternal Life. This Primary objective work of Christ is the Legal Side of Salvation.
— But the Vital Side of Salvation is Christ's SUBJECTIVE WORK, done inside of ourselves, involving our Faith, our volition, our choice. "And purify unto himself a peculiar people" is the Vital Side of Salvation. This is the transformative Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer, done internally. Our Faith Alone in the objective work of Christ is required for this Secondary Work of Purification to begin within us. This secondary work is SUBJECTIVE because we are the SUBJECTS in whom the indwelling Spirit of Christ performs the sanctifying Work. This vital experience of Eternal Life is Limited to the Believers in Christ (1 Corinthians 6 vs 11).
In conclusion, we see that the Legal Side of Salvation and the Vital Side of Salvation are inseparably linked and yet clearly distinguished, just like the two sides of the same coin (2 Corinthians 5 vs 21). These two sides must be Rightly Divided, in order to avoid doctrinal confusion and disunity in the Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Timothy 2 vs 14 - 15). The Legal side of Salvation depends on God's Choice of Christ. It is the Past Completed Objective Cross-Work of Christ for All Sinners, which is Universal in Provision, Proportion and Application, the very FOUNDATION of Christianity. Amen. (1 Corinthians 15 vs 1 - 4).
But the Vital side of Salvation requires Man's Choice of Faith. It is the present Continuous Subjective Work of the indwelling Holy Spirit in all Believers today, Limited to Believers in its Application, the very FRUIT of the Christian Faith. So, the Legal aspect of Salvation is The Root, while the Vital aspect of Salvation is The Fruit. Therefore, Rightly Dividing these two important aspects of Salvation in Christ, clearly diffuses the preexisting confusion about Christ's Reconciliation Ministry. This study should change the way we understand certain passages in the Holy Bible. S. D. G. Amen. — 2 Corinthians 5 vs 14 - 21
— Amen.
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By ERIC "Minister of Reconciliation" NGWA.
Rightly Dividing the KING JAMES BIBLE