The confusion is the Christian unfamiliarity with the feast of the Lord. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the 10th of Nissan and was the spotless lamb chosen. On preparation day wed Jesus was slaughtered at the same time they were killing the Passover lambs. He went into the grave just before sunset. Jewish days are sunset to sunset. At sunset it was now Passover. The next day was a special sabbath the feast of unleavened bread. The women could not buy spices to anoint the body and had to wait till Friday. They bought and prepared the spices on Friday but could not anoint the body on sat because this was the regular sabbath day. No work can be done on a sabbath day. At sunset Saturday Jesus had been in the tomb three days and three nights (the sign of Jonah) and at sunset he arose.
Crucifixion week was the 70th week. Remember when he died the rocks were split and the graves opened. The curtain was split from top to bottom bringing an end to animal and grain offerings because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice.
This is not about an anti Christ. The people of the Prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The prince is Jesus. We find that in verse Daniel 9:25. Jesus sent the Roman commander Titus to destroy the city because of their rejection of him. God judged Israel several times before with foreign adversaries. The Babylonians and the Medo-Persians. The covenant that he confirmed was the covenant he made with Abraham. He confirmed it with his death in the middle of the week, crucifixion week. Satan would love us to steal this wonderful passage for Jesus and paste it on an anti-christ.
There is more. Just came across this site and have to go to work. Hope this makes sense.
Crucifixion week was the 70th week. Remember when he died the rocks were split and the graves opened. The curtain was split from top to bottom bringing an end to animal and grain offerings because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice.
This is not about an anti Christ. The people of the Prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The prince is Jesus. We find that in verse Daniel 9:25. Jesus sent the Roman commander Titus to destroy the city because of their rejection of him. God judged Israel several times before with foreign adversaries. The Babylonians and the Medo-Persians. The covenant that he confirmed was the covenant he made with Abraham. He confirmed it with his death in the middle of the week, crucifixion week. Satan would love us to steal this wonderful passage for Jesus and paste it on an anti-christ.
There is more. Just came across this site and have to go to work. Hope this makes sense.