No Son of the Living GOD worries, why, Because God is HIS FATHER, and That Child fears nothing, He fears not sickness, He fears not the Winds or the Rains. He fears Not The flames of The fire of The Furnace, He fears not Poverty, He fears not Starvation, He fears not death. "for All things works together for His GOOD! for pain and death and lost is his friend. And he welcomes it, and he gives thanks, to his Father! for being so loving and caring! and giving him all that he needs, that He may be Glorified, and come forth as Pure GOLD, as the LORD burns The dross off.
The quote, might have come from this person, but I think He got it from another source, because it has been so many years ago, I pick it up, for I have read hundreds of books, and read many "quotes' written by many "Sons of The Living GOD". And I thank GOD for Those that He did send,
For Our Father told us, To observe "The Trees" and leaves, "The Fig Trees", for your redemption draws Near! for the storms of this life and troubles that comes upon this world, he told us to rejoice, for he is even at the door, so when the winds blows, and the Tornados come, and the Rivers raises, and the lands become dry, and the food becomes scares, and violence is roaming the lands, and nations against Nations, homes are being torn apart, fathers against sons, mothers are against daughters, and women rule over men, then we know, the day is upon us, of His arrival, and we are to rejoice. when we see these things happening on this World, and we are called to be in obedience, When The Plagues comes, and death roam the streets, we are to rejoice, because the whole world have no idea what is going on! But we do! For Our LORD is even at the DOOR. So all of us who Knows the LORD, let us rejoice at all our calamities that comes upon us, For we know that "OUR GOD" is Sovereign ! and nothing happens unless it has been "Ordain by HIM" for even "Death" obeys Him.
King James Bible
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.