You know how sometimes you seem to be going on your way, doing whatever it is you usually do, when something occurs to you that catches you off guard? Well, that's how I feel right now. I used to pray so much, I used to hold myself to my moral standards.. but then I started to slip. I've slipped and fallen many times, and each time I get up, I find that I've lost ground and I never make it up. My thoughts are never where they should be, and I feel like I've been kind of shrugging God off. He's been trying to speak to me and I've turned a deaf ear to Him. It kinda seems like I'm an outcast from the people I live with. I live in a college dorm, so we interact very regularly. Sometimes it seems like I don't use the common sense God has given me. Everybody doesn't see me as the smartest people in the room, and some make fun of me for it. I don't really know what I'm trying to say. I just miss God, His voice, His reassuring presence. I know that in this forum, my true identity is not revealed. I am sort of another person, and what I truly feel, I can express without my friends knowing it's me. That gives me comfort in a way. Writing this has sort of helped me, but I know I've still got a long way to go. I know I can always get closer to God. Any verses y'all have would greatly help. Thanks for all your prayers.