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A New School Year


Aug 19, 2006
A new school year is starting in a few days for some a few weeks for others.
This is my babies first year away from home and i can tell you i am troubled by it the very thought has me feeling as though i might vomit.

Are there any other parents who are going through this or have some advice on coping with the school year ahead.
I'm sorry to read that you're having trouble, Mounty. I have 3 kids, myself, and trust
me, it was hard to let go of my Abby on her first day of kindergarten. Then I had to do
it again 2 years later for my JP. I struggled so hard just to make sure my babies didn't see me cry. I was ok this year (my kids started school on Aug 9 this year), but I still have one
more that'll be going in 2 years, and I'm gonna weep like a child when he gets on the bus

Wish I had some advice, but I really don't except to try not to let your little one see you
cry, as that will make it harder for him/her to leave you. And be sure to have a good cry when he/she is gone. It helped me.:girl_hug:
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Awww Christy and Mounty just wanna hug ya both!!! One other thing maybe plan (with the teacher) a day you can go visit (not all parents) maybe even help. This will help you feel more confidence in the teacher and give your child something to look forward to. The teacher might even appreciate the help!
Mine went back today, Just pray about it Mounty. The planning a visit idea is wonderful, we did that several years ago when ours started out, it helps you and your child adjust to the change. God Bless!

Thank you all for your replys , my daughter is so excited but i know once she discovers she is staying there she will feel different.
Its just so hard to see her change from my baby to this little girl heading out the door every morning.

My friend suggested i hide outside the classroom window (thats what she did) lol, I guess i have to trust the Lord to protect her ,and asking to plan a visit is a wonderful idea im sure though by the third visit they will ask me to leave lol,

Thank you all again xxxxxxxxx
Thank you all for your replys , my daughter is so excited but i know once she discovers she is staying there she will feel different.
Its just so hard to see her change from my baby to this little girl heading out the door every morning.

My friend suggested i hide outside the classroom window (thats what she did) lol, I guess i have to trust the Lord to protect her ,and asking to plan a visit is a wonderful idea im sure though by the third visit they will ask me to leave lol,

Thank you all again xxxxxxxxx

I thought the same thing about my Abby, and she didn't even look back when the school bus left LOL Don't worry! She'll be fine. Have you met her teacher yet? Our school has an orientation about a week before school starts so we can meet the teacher.
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No i havent yet we will met on the first day, I guess i know i have no choice and i will have a good cry once she is inside, i know its terrible but half of me is hoping she will want to come home or cry just something to show me she is a little upset too, I guess no mother wants to admit her baby is growing up.
This is a heartache for most mothers. Starting school is a major turning point in ours and our children's lives. I was the same with my boys, I cried my eyes out at home, I was a bit of a mess really. LOL I also got emotional the first time my son rode on the school bus. He seemed so little, climbing up those steps onto the bus and I stood their watching the doors close behind him. Then I was straining to see through the bus window from where I was standing, to see if I could catch a glimpse of my baby. He was too excited and probably embarrassed to make a big deal out of waving to me through the window.

Man it's tough, but these are the baby steps towards us letting go of our children, we have to let them go. It isn't easy, but having faith and trusting God with our children is paramount for us mothers, we need to maintain emotional stability. We cannot allow fears cloud our minds and be worried or clingy over our kids. You know some mums get very depressed, they have separation anxiety for alot longer than they ought not just in the primary years but mums whose children who go off to college or leave home. It can become an unhealthy type of depression. When my oldest son left home, and then we moved far away, it was painful and I missed him terribly and I cried, but after a couple of days I understood that I had to keep my emotions in check and look at things realistically and it just led me to seek the Lord more closely for comfort and strength.

Learning to let go is important, it is the kindergarten and early years where we learn and understand that our children are really not our own. They belong to God. And we can constructively use the new free time for us to do grow and try new things, new hobbies, go back to work, or to school or be more involved in church. I think crying is a very natural emotion and is healthy to do for a short while, but definitely to be done out of ear shot and out of view of the children. We don't want our kids to develop a guilty complex or develop fears of some kind or have fears of leaving us.

But you know we will never stop being mums and never stop being concerned for our children. Although I got over those kindergarten days, my son is now 16 and he goes back to school next week, and I know a lot of mums are probably glad their kids are back in school and in a way I am too but I will still miss my son being around. I won't be crying though! I will be doing alot of praying.

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I think of my grandchildren. Such precious..........Mm I love them so much words fail.

Lord Jesus be with our children as they move on in their little lives. Keep them safe dear Lord.....in Jesus