Thank you everyone. I like the idea of throwing the rubish out. That helped. So for every sin you confess to Jesus he just throws it out with the rubish and puts it in the bottom of the sea. That makes me feel like I can move on. I can't change the past but I can have a better future with Jesus as a part of it.
So for every sin you confess
I would caution on the "every sin " approach.
There will be those that disagree, but as a imperfect human it is literally impossible to remember or be aware of every sin you commit, let alone ask forgiveness for each.
What about the ones that you are not aware of?
You could go to God every day and just asked for forgiveness, but what about the days, weeks or even months that go by for some, are they not forgiven during this absence of daily repentance? Hardly not!
Asking for forgiveness for each sin, forgetting sins, not doing this action for days on end, can all lead to untruth or bondage.
The bondage is, and this does happen, I have failed to repent and I
am therefore not saved.
As a Christian, if there is sin in your life, you know that the Holy Spirit is convicting you of it and you are already working on allowing Him to work on that through you, right?
Any decision you want to make, any theology that you want to follow, if the outcome can lead to a negative, it probably will. This can't be from God because of His perfect will and nature; it is impossible for a negative to be from Him.
If you want to do something perfectly, try to just daily be thanking Jesus Christ for what He has already done on the cross for you.
Jesus died one time for ALL and for ALL sins, then He sat down.
Unlike the old Levitical Priest that never sat down in the Temple because ther job was never finished, year after year. The blood of Bulls and Goats could only cover for sin and had to be repeated every year on the day of "Atonement.
Jesus took away sins for ever, God said that "He would look at our sins no more".
Any person that is going to God everyday for forgiveness is one thing, but, if they are being held in bondage to that, this is something totally different.
This is what the Bible and the Holy Spirit speaks to me, of course you have to decide for your self.