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A question...


Apr 4, 2006
I am very picky about who I would consider to date, so I have only had three romantic relationships, the first ended with the girl simply ceasing to talk to me, the second with the girl cheating on me and most recently the woman I was involved with only over the internet was in fact lying to me about virtually everything important about herself, to the point where she told me she was four years older than me, while she was in fact nearly 3 years younger than me.

I realize I'm young and rather inexperienced, but considering how much emotional pain these relationships have caused I truly wonder if I'm supposed to just be like Paul and give up on romance and the idea of getting married.

My question is rather simple... do you ever wonder if God hasn't got another person for you? And that you may actually be meant to live without a romantic relationship?

~ Jack
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In a way i do and in another i dont. Well i know god has away for all of us but if you keep praying he will show you way in wich he want you to live.
I hope this helps
I wonder all the time what God wants in my life about romantic relationships.

And I can say that in all this time, and through my 4 romantic relationships, wich only one was with a christian boy... I have learn first of all... Your boyfriend/girlfriend must be christian and be a person who loves God above all. Second thing, we must have God first in our heats, and be complete with His love. I'm still working on that with Jesus, because it's not easy at all.
I'm waiting to feel and be so in love with God, so I dont need or feel like I want a boyfriend.
I believe when I stop thinking about me wanting and looking for a boyfriend, he will come into my life.

Somehow I know that God has a great husband for me. I just know it.
But, right now, I encourage you to pray to God for wisdom and patience.
To open the eyes of your heart so you can see what he wants for you, and your romantic life.


Haynaru said:
I wonder all the time what God wants in my life about romantic relationships.
And I can say that in all this time, and through my 4 romantic relationships, wich only one was with a christian boy... I have learn first of all... Your boyfriend/girlfriend must be christian and be a person who loves God above all. Second thing, we must have God first in our heats, and be complete with His love. I'm still working on that with Jesus, because it's not easy at all.
I'm waiting to feel and be so in love with God, so I dont need or feel like I want a boyfriend.
I believe when I stop thinking about me wanting and looking for a boyfriend, he will come into my life.
Somehow I know that God has a great husband for me. I just know it.
But, right now, I encourage you to pray to God for wisdom and patience.
To open the eyes of your heart so you can see what he wants for you, and your romantic life.

Haynaru what wonderful advice.
Hey try not to worry about it to much I think if your willing to give up marriage that is a huge sacrifice for God and he will bless you for that, and of course i will be praying for you whenever you need it!! Lou
All great advice... thank you all! I'm always encouraged when I come to Talk Jesus, thank you all again.

~ Jack
Good to see that God uses diferent ways to talk to you Undergrounder,
I know that if God wants you to give up marriage He will let you know.

We must be very close to Him, and open our eyes to see if He wants to tell us something.
I also believe that suffering before knowing the perfect one to share our lives with is not in vain. I believe God let all this suffering come into our lives to prepare us for something greater.
I have been through so much pain too, but I still wait in Jesus. I just gotta stop thinking about it, and not think about a boyfriend. Just focus on Jesus.

so do not despair, and focus on Jesus.

Your sis

Hi, Hope this will help you

If God take care for the fishes of the sea and the fowls of the air, much more will He care and provide for those that fear Him: "When the poor and needy seeketh water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst; I the Lord will hear them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them" (Isa. 12:17). "Take no thought for your life," saith the Lord, "what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; or for the body what ye shall put on," which He backs with an argument from God's providence over the creatures (see Matt. 6:25,31). God would have His people be without carefulness, i.e. anxious care (see I Cor. 7:32), "And to cast their care upon Him, for He careth for them" (I Pet. 5:7).
There are two main arguments suggested in the gospel to quiet and satisfy the hearts of saints in this particular: the one is, that the gift of Jesus Christ amounts to more than all these things; yea, in bestowing Him, He has given that which virtually and eminently comprehends all these inferior mercies in it: "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all; how shall He not with Him freely give us all things?" (Rom. 8:32). And: "All things are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's" (I Cor. 3:22). Another argument is, that God gives these temporal things to those He never gave His Christ unto, and therefore there is no great matter in them; yea, to those which, in a little while, are to be thrust into hell (see Psal.17:14). Now if God clothe and feed His enemies, if (to allude to that, Luke 12:28) He clothe the grass, which today is in its pride and glory in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, into hell: how much more will He clothe and provide for you that are saints?

This God, that feeds all the creatures is your Father, and a Father that never dies; and therefore you shall not be as exposed orphans that are the children of such a Father. "For He hath said, `I will never leave you nor forsake you,'" (Heb. 13:3).

Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord
Hossana in the Highest!
:star: God has a plan for everyone, as your signature states. His plans are to prosper and bless. God sees the desires of your heart and will grant you every last one, but ALL IN HIS PERFECT TIME. There is someone amazing out there for you and you have to give it to God, He will sort everything out for you. I felt the same way for years and i've now realised that we need to put God in control of every situation no matter how pity it is. God will come through for you. As a christian, i'll advise you to put it in God's hands and be patient because God's timing is always perfect.

God bless and may He grant you all your hearts desires according to His perfect plan.

I don't know don't have any experience

I don't know much about that. I mean sometimes I think that. But then maybe that's because I've never dated anyone. I'm not really thinking about it right now.But I think it has to do with what you feel. Are you feeling wore out about relationships since so many have went wrong. I think you have to ask yourself that. To see if it's the pain that's making you think you should never get married . Or because of all the past hurts that's making you want to give up. Then you can truly see if it's mean't for you are not. And pray about it. God bless you
Underground, I was married twice and got quite used to being with someone.

I have prayed and prayed for a soulmate, but this past year I have been praying to have the blessing, (not strength), to be single and concentrate my love on God, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. I truly believe that God is asking me to remain single, so I don't even hope for a mate anymore and it doesn't hurt me one bit. I want to be with God. I am pretty content now and don't feel the loss of broken promises, I feel the promise of my true Brother, Lord Jesus Christ.

Talk it over with God, He will help you.

Amen:Pixie:love: :rose:

what I believe is that it is best to be married because we are,after all, human.
And it is a Wonderful thing to share your life with another Christian.
As long as both can grow together with Jesus and be reaching toward whatever is God's Will, I think I tend to go with God did not intend for man (meaning all humankind) to be alone.
A man and a woman are a perfect fit together. Like two pieces of a 2 piece puzzle.
I hope there will be someone for you to be that perfect fit.
from clover
I feel ya

Ya know my friend/brother, I feel the same way sometimes but I think the best thing for you to do is ask god for yourself, Just ask. Ive found out lately is all we have to do is speak up and Father will answer us.
Well I think that God Know the all the things that we need including the
needs of our hearth .He always want the better for us so I thinks that he has something for you the only problem is that you have to wait

God Bless you!