mg: As once dull, a midnight vapor to me, something that seem to exist, suddenly fades immediately. Puzzling, struggling, confusing, signs of intent, hesitantly eager to consent
Can I be drawn, yet I resist to insist that this emotion, Oh no, it's not real[ Then so, what is it? One say love, thee other hate. Yet so strong, both do cast a spell, one of joy, one, sorrow/I, emotions that yours, then some that are borrowed ! You've got me! I'm hooked, something to tell, my entrapment in a spell.:secret: :girl: :lightning ]] Only Experience Will Help You Understand
Can I be drawn, yet I resist to insist that this emotion, Oh no, it's not real[ Then so, what is it? One say love, thee other hate. Yet so strong, both do cast a spell, one of joy, one, sorrow/I, emotions that yours, then some that are borrowed ! You've got me! I'm hooked, something to tell, my entrapment in a spell.:secret: :girl: :lightning ]
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