i live in Malaysia and there was a big tsunami hit last time... i was in Pulau Penang (an island in Malaysia that got hit too)... and my father was calling me to go fishing with him (tsunami haven happened yet)... and i was like i am tried i dun wanna go but he put me into the car and took me there... i made noise in the car (which is kinda bad) and i keep saying i dun wanna go i dun wanna go... end up we didn't go coz i was making alot and alot of noise... so we turn back and went to the shopping complex which i really love to go... and after a few hours later a shocking news come to the tv and radio that Pulau Penang got hit by tsunami too... and the place that got hit was the place that we wanted to go fishing.... i do thank god alot for that... this is the most powerful thing that god had helped me and save me.... it has already passed 2 years or 3 but i will never forget it.... thank god thank god....