I'm having a hard time accepting Gods forgiveness. The way I normally understand and relate to God is: I look for Him to speak to me through other people, through music, His word, and directly to me through His still small voice. Since God has changed my life and I now know that everything I did was wrong. I feel horrible for my sins I committed against God. But it feels like he's rejecting me. When I go to church I don't feel welcomed. When I listen for His voice I hear I'll never be forgiven, I'm His enemy now. I'm rejecting you like you rejected me. Family members who used to always talk to me about God has stop all communications with me. My Aunt who is a Prophet will give me a word from God but it always confirms what I'm already fearing. The other day she said that God said something that really discouraged me. That Gods grace runs out when we take advantage. And he is not allowing me to live any other way but the right way. I have no other option. Today I was reading something spiritual and in the article the person being interviewed said something along the lines of just ask God who are you in Him and what is your purpose in His Kingdom. And now all I keep hearing is Judas. I'm a traitor that can't be trusted. We are enemies. This is hard because without God I am nothing and I have nothing. I keep praying and pleading but I'm really feeling hopeless at this point. I feel unforgiven. I also keep hearing all this blasphemous things and it's all really too much. Any advice or encouragement would really help.
Dominique Hello,
Here is some truth that shall set you free if you accept it.
Are you born again ? If so then you accept this by Faith. Faith that you are born again.
It is this same Faith that is needed or used to accept anything else of God...such as forgiveness.
When you asked God into your life and make Jesus Christ your Lord then your sins were forgiven and remembered no more as fasr as the east is from the west.
When we miss it - fall - sin then we need to go to God and repent or another words - change the way we are doing things. GRACE - Gods overrwhelming desire to treat us as if sin never happened. So once you ask HIm to forgive you of what ever it is you messed up in then God will forgive and forget those sins. However you need to as well.
Please do not take this the wrong way - forget what your aunt says - forget what other people say - SEEK in what His word says. Stop seeking things from God in other people. I am not surer what your aunt meant by taking advantage - I take advantage of His grace every time I miss it. Thast is what it is there fore.
To me you are in a revolving door going around and around trying to find your way out. That door is placed there by our enemy to keep you bound up and from growing in Christ. If you look you may even see my initials carved in the doors for I spent many years going around and around just like you are.
Kind of feels like God said your door to your breakthrough is over there in the corner and you are in a round room. I know that place too.
Mark 4 tells us how persecution comes for the words sake. Another words the devil comes to keep the word from working in your life. Go back to the written word of God. Put forth into practice the things of God and beleive what His word says. You will get through this.
God Bless