I am one who was adopted, fostered into this family as an infant. There are many views I have regarding adoption and some may seem insencere to adopting families. But it deals with many insights of the reality from research and expereince. There are many different issues why adoptions occure and I cannot claim its all for good intent. Or Gods will. .
I will agree that not all adoptions are with good intentions. And there are some adoptee’s who have bad experiences. Some parents start with fostering to adoption just for a paycheck and medical care until they are of age and do not provide adequate raising. However, not for the true Christian whom has the heart and has been called BY God to adopt. I believe that God puts in on a husband and a wife’s heart to adopt and where to adopt from. He then equips us with giving up our lives to guide, teach and love on another. God does teach us about adoption in scripture. Aren’t we all adopted by God? (Ephesians 1:3-6)
For one I want to start with adoptions from foriegn families. I do believe that the children being adopted from forien backgrounds should be prohibited. Though it may seem to be a kind gesture of the American people. And it feels right. I do not believe that a child should be taken from its culture or people of thier nationality.( This is not a prejudice statement I stand that God created all nationalities and are to be loved equally. .
I don’t agree as we have adopted a little boy from Vietnam. He was in a very poor orphanage and from a poor family who could not pay the taxes on the child. I see no problem with parents who, led by God, adopt from other countries. Especially since 90% of the Christian parents who do adopt, keep the child’s heritage a reality and make it possible to give the child an opportunity to have the option to meet their birth parents. The possibilities are endless ..
Now, our story is actually not your typical story. My husband and I didn’t choose to adopt from Vietnam, but my sister in law did. She died several months after, and we were asked if we would readopt him for several reasons. We prayed about the adoption, and we both knew right off the bat in our spirit, and following with many confirmations including provision, that this was right for us.
And no , I am not against interelationships either.) - Moses did marry an Ethiopian and approved by God.- Numbers 12. However to stray children away from their families of thier own national background. Should be forbidden. For the simple reason is. Is thats who they are. And their nationality should be valued. some my get caught up in thier feelings ."But what about the poor starving childrenwe can give a child a better life. A hope." I can assure you this is not the way. And not of God. .
Moses was adopted. (Exodus 2:10) How can you say that this was not of God? What about Samuel? (1 Samuel 1) There are even non-Christian parents who adopt and provide stable environments which is no different than that of a non-Christian family who has their own children.
For us personally, we are going to provide our little boy with education on his nationality, his country, even to learn the language where he came from so he can one day have the opportunity to go back to his home village and speak to his family if God leads him there. The majority of children adopted from other countries are not because the parents are seeking an American (or other) family to adopt. These children are in orphanages, not well cared for.
If you feel that adoption is wrong, then you might as well feel as if all the outreach centers in Africa, Haiti, China, etc… are wrong as well… We are called as Christians to reach up, and reach out. We are to look to God for guidance and give what He has given to us. If you feel that adoption is wrong, it may be wrong for you, but not wrong for someone else. And to encourage people not to adopt based on experience or opinion when it is clearly supported by God is wrong. There are no stipulations on adoption. Well, you can adopt if... You can only accept someone elses child if.... If one is equipped financially, emotionally there should be no doubt. I have family who has adopted as well who are not "Christians" but absolutely LOVE those children and has provided them with a wonderful life. Me, as the "Christian" family member, has opportunity to plant the seed as a witness of Jesus Christ.
Next, Those families who deny responsiblity for maybe a cousin, a brother/sister, an aunt., grandmother, ect. if say the child is not taken care of properly, should not even be allowed. In observation of past principle, concerning Jewish law. If a womans husband dies. and the brother did not take on responsiblity on caring for the woman and their family. They were to take the brother in law to court and if he still refuses, is to spit in his face and it be counted a shame to that man. No I don't suggest widowed women go marry their briother in - law. My point is. Is that families should take their own responsiblities to their families. And the thing is, is their not. They will deny the burdon for themsleves to live a comfortable life. My view was on law. And what influences they have on people according to what society accepts.
I totally agree with you that family needs to step up to the plate. We did. Esther was an orphan who was adopted by her cousin Mordecai. And, what about when Isreal (aka Abraham) Gave his two son’s to their brother Jacob (Genesis 48).
As for society, well, it depends on where you live honestly. I know plenty of adoptive families who have raised functional adoptees who are assets to society. If we based our choices on what "society" accepts, that alone in and of itself will engulf one away from God and their calling in life 100%. Yes, there will always be issues. Whether one is adopted, fat, scrawny, black, white, tall, short, rich or poor.
- One day I walked into a police station and on the wall it talks about permission leaving an unwanted child there. Saying, " No shame, no blame, no name." They do not take responsiblity for an unwanted child." They don't bear any shame for abandoning a child. WHY?
Though I can understand the purpose and its intention for this law. Such as, preventing child abuse, preventing babies being left in dumpters, and such. Personally I think things only got worse. Where is the teaching of valuing life. Is it that if we are taught to value life that the reality of a God just can't be seperated from that.People just trying to make things easier. Isn't always the way. .
You have a great contradiction here. You say that you don’t agree with most adoptions, but yet isn’t adoption valuing life? Because of people’s selfishness, foolishness and walk in life with out God, there are terrible people out there who just leave these children. I think it is with great honor that God’s children rise up to the responsibility and lead these little lost souls to Him and provide them an avenue to a relationship with our Lord instead of being left for dead and not having a chance, or being raised in a drug infested, unhealthy neglectful type home.
I am not one who is unaware of babies being born on drugs, by prostitutes, ect. I see it all the time in this area. And the things I've seen and heard over the years. Has been appauling.In learning things in my ministry I spoke to this woman who boasted in drugs , them not knowing who I was. They stood there boasting on how their children was well taken care of and healthy. She had approx. 5 children. And how the last time she was pregnate she was running from the police in crack houses. So she can get her high. I wound up crying and getting into a disputed arguement. She justified it making excuses saying, well I'm a drug addict. I replied and said, No, your just selfish. Her dad takes care of her children, sounds like an oppositional delema. Can a solution be found in the back and white letter of the law. No. I myslef was adopted into a family who called themsleves Christain. Abandoned by them at the age of nine to another part of the family their parents who fostered a number of children. Most of thier abuses reported by them happened not in their home, but in foster homes, a couple of families one in particular who I befriended most of my life wound up in there, simply because the mother wound up homeless. Later wound up going through a nervous breakdown, because of ridicules and lack of support. But she wouldn't leave her children. And at the end years of thier life taken away from eachother. Is happier with their mother at the latter, than they have ever been. With amny years lost. Her husband was there with his child. Who his new wife and half sister of their had a secure life. a mother. And even though he seemed to be a supporting dad. And to their children. Then where was he? When the mother of their children were seperated and struggling. Kindness can be selfish. There is such a thing as blind kindness. Don't stop being kind, but don't be blind. What did Cain say." am I my brothers keeper?"
I am sorry that you had a bad experience. Only God can heal your heart and your mind from that. I imagine it infuriates you to no end (as it does myself also) to see what that lady did with all those kids on drugs, or even on a personal level, all you went through yourself. However, to say that it is wrong, or it is being blind is an unfair statement. What about all the good that have come out of adoptions? What about all the other ministers and outreach centers that were created in an adoptee’s country where souls are being reached for Jesus because a nice Christian family felt the tugging at their hearts to adopt?
Everyone has struggles. No matter if they are Christian or not. We will have struggles as adoptive parents with all our 4 children, it’s called life. It is a daily effort to keep our hearts right and keep our eye on the prize and take the awesome responsibility of caring for “GOD’S” children (adopted or fostered or our own biological) and do what God has called us as parents to do.
Today, children are amde to make the descisions. Adults are playing children and thier families against eachother. For the most part I don't believe children should be separated from their mother, their fmailies. And for some cases they must be. But who is to say these children are up for grabs like puppies in a window. Because of what one feels.
Males who or fight for custody. Well, guess what were you designed to nuture or nurse a child.
When a man or woman lie down together, guess what your married. Certificate or not.
How come it is when a couple produces a child the man can walk away and not be charged with neglect?
Leavin the fmaily to struggle and when the mother is left alone to care for her children. Theres hardly ever any support from many families. ( support and help doesn't mean taking their place because of weakness. )
Theres a lot of issues revolving around the growing issues of parentless children and adoption.
I see here that the built up anger towards deadbeat parents have help aid you in your opinion about this topic. I am just as angry and wish that I could borrow the hand of God to pound out all the stupidity these parents walk in. No, it’s not ignorance, it’s plain stupidity. These are not valid reasons not to adopt. As a matter of fact, these would be reasons TO adopt.
Yes its recognized that some have no family or known family. And most of those people will be the isolated(the vulnerable) many of them under the prison of the system.
And the wrong pupose that has been accepted with laws of Adoption.
The denial of the knowledge of Life and God promotes these things, and yes even abortion.
People are allowed to give away children because of defomaities, sufferings, sickess, convenience, poor, ect.
And this is encouraged by the government.
Any questions or answers to why our nation is suffering.
One nation under God? hmmm
What is it really under?
I find it hard to isolate some things down to one catagory. When all the chaos is all connected.
The center problem isn't adoption. Its just a symptom.
Yes, there are many children happy with their families and may be a genuine witness to that. And there are many caring families who want to give children love. And have a lot of love to give. But what is being justifed under things that are not seen. What realites are we denying, if we just look at the positive. Not suggesting to be pessamistic either.
This goes in every aspect of life, not just adoption. See, a handful of bad adoptive parents give the whole adoption a bad name. One person’s bad experience will determine the minds of those who have a heart to adopt. You cannot isolate anything to one category without connecting everything that is chaotic.
No matter what you look at, we are, as Christians, fighting the good fight. This includes adoption, sponsorship, giving, reaching out to a family in need to lead and education them in the things of the Lord and plant seeds into the lives of those who need to know God’s love. This is why we as Christian are called walk with character, integrity, love. Lead by example, be held accountable, and not stand in judgment of others.
I could write so much more, but it’s late.
Be Blessed,