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- Dec 2, 2019
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Their Body started to Grow old, Skin cells started to die especially when they went to sleep. And death stinks, some cells fall off, some hang on for awhile.
They started stinking, toes nails and finger nails start growing wild, So now they are learning, about stink, hands getting dirty, feet start smelling, under their arms pits, Their breath, nose start running Poop start smelling they got to learn how to wipe that Poop off, They start getting constipated, Eve don't smell they way she use too, neither do Adam, From all that sweat. Toes nails and finger nails growing wild and Hair everywhere, Talking about stinking, they stank!!
Looking as wild as can be! And getting lazy as can be, Sin has entered the World and Satan is whispering in each ones ear, Look at that, she picking her nose and licking Snot and eating boogers while he is watching her as He pick the dirt from between his toes and smelling his finger. hairy, they have not learn yet about "Hygiene", They are not hugging one another like they used too.
Bugs all in her hair, and Flies flying all around his behind.
Big Flies, everywhere he goes, and he is mad. Stinking mad. Bugs biting them everywhere! all because she wanted to be wise and know the difference between Good and evil.
He can't stay away to long, because God made sure of that, they observed the animals mating, him and her both, They start holding hands and walking in meadows, and the wind blow, and, they smell those "Daffodils" blowing Down Hill, and The High levels of testosterone and estrogen erupts. You know, and heard the stories, "well it just happen"
So it goes. Babies , twins, triplets, 4 or 5 or 6 babies at a Time every year, God's will, to have many babies and he makes sure that carrying the babies are easy for the woman, but not the Brith of the Babies coming out. God Knows what he is doing, bring forth the babies, he decides, the males and females and the day and time they are conceived and delivered. God knows what he is Doing, in pairing. He decides, He is the "Potter" everything else, is the clay.
So the man and women is wild like a beast, long toes nails and hair wild looking, No "Emily Post" charm classes, The stronger men taking women as they please and how many they please, no laws, they became so bad everybody, Stealing woman or take a woman and if she do not like you, Just do not go to sleep, She put you to sleep and if she is mad, Game over! EveryBody knows how to use a big rock! A kid knows how to use a big Rock!
That devil will whisper in that kid ear, Pick that one up, and hit him, hard! That devil, he don't care. He will tell a "toddler" how to kill you! Wait to he go to sleep!!! I got six kids. Go to sleep if you want too. And that toddler, roaming around the house, he will burn it down with you in it! And if you got gun, they said you better hide it and lock it up and hide the key from a "toddler".
NASB 1977
Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, Rather than a fool in his folly.
Do not forget a women might not be strong as a man, but she is still as deadly. and a Killer!
New American Standard Bible
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.
Hairy, toe long uncut nails, and finger nails uncut, Stench, no hygiene was so ever, no deodorants, no soap,, ignorance,, no toilet paper, and wild as can be, the male and the females and the kids and they ate raw meat as well,
We are the same people the same beast they were, But we are covering up, what we really are, with all kinds of makeup and deceptions to hide our real identity, The dog does not hide his true identity, the fish, the bear, the wolves, the lion. the tiger, the Hog, the bird. But humans hide who they really are,
They get married and then, the spouse gets a good look at you and a good smell of you!
And the World wonders, why divorces are on the Rise!
you get old, and take off those Clothes, and if you do not take a bath, and those toes get old, You going to walk in the dark a lot. Because when that light comes on, You don't look Good, You like lies, you get divorce and find somebody who going to lie to you!
For lies of such, makes you feel good. You ain't 16 no more! I do not care how much make up you got one, Take all that stuff off , and the real you will appearer. now get naked and look in the Mirror from head to toe! That is you! Now imagine do not take a bath, no deodorant , dob't cut those toe nail and finger nails let all that hair grow naturally. no false teeth of no teeth, no cometic surgery. now what is the devil, he is a deceiver !!!!! he does not want you to see the real Him!
And you do not want people, to see the real you!
My wife use to get mad, steaming , don't tell No body how old I am. She used to tell me, people were saying to her, you have a old man you much younger than he is . and I say, yes,, 2 years younger. But if I spent from $10-15,000.00 a year on my face at regular visits at the "Dermatologists" I would look younger too! I use "Ivory soap" and Jergens lotion' and Vaseline since I was a baby and still do!.." I say that To myself" I ain't no fool. but it is the truth.
What you see , is what you get, old age! Let your beauty be with in. how you look at me and how you hold my hand, even laying your head on my shoulder and thinking About Jesus.
is worth more than a $50,000 face lift you receive . to me.
They started stinking, toes nails and finger nails start growing wild, So now they are learning, about stink, hands getting dirty, feet start smelling, under their arms pits, Their breath, nose start running Poop start smelling they got to learn how to wipe that Poop off, They start getting constipated, Eve don't smell they way she use too, neither do Adam, From all that sweat. Toes nails and finger nails growing wild and Hair everywhere, Talking about stinking, they stank!!
Looking as wild as can be! And getting lazy as can be, Sin has entered the World and Satan is whispering in each ones ear, Look at that, she picking her nose and licking Snot and eating boogers while he is watching her as He pick the dirt from between his toes and smelling his finger. hairy, they have not learn yet about "Hygiene", They are not hugging one another like they used too.
He can't stay away to long, because God made sure of that, they observed the animals mating, him and her both, They start holding hands and walking in meadows, and the wind blow, and, they smell those "Daffodils" blowing Down Hill, and The High levels of testosterone and estrogen erupts. You know, and heard the stories, "well it just happen"
So it goes. Babies , twins, triplets, 4 or 5 or 6 babies at a Time every year, God's will, to have many babies and he makes sure that carrying the babies are easy for the woman, but not the Brith of the Babies coming out. God Knows what he is doing, bring forth the babies, he decides, the males and females and the day and time they are conceived and delivered. God knows what he is Doing, in pairing. He decides, He is the "Potter" everything else, is the clay.
So the man and women is wild like a beast, long toes nails and hair wild looking, No "Emily Post" charm classes, The stronger men taking women as they please and how many they please, no laws, they became so bad everybody, Stealing woman or take a woman and if she do not like you, Just do not go to sleep, She put you to sleep and if she is mad, Game over! EveryBody knows how to use a big rock! A kid knows how to use a big Rock!
That devil will whisper in that kid ear, Pick that one up, and hit him, hard! That devil, he don't care. He will tell a "toddler" how to kill you! Wait to he go to sleep!!! I got six kids. Go to sleep if you want too. And that toddler, roaming around the house, he will burn it down with you in it! And if you got gun, they said you better hide it and lock it up and hide the key from a "toddler".
NASB 1977
Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, Rather than a fool in his folly.
Do not forget a women might not be strong as a man, but she is still as deadly. and a Killer!
New American Standard Bible
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.
Hairy, toe long uncut nails, and finger nails uncut, Stench, no hygiene was so ever, no deodorants, no soap,, ignorance,, no toilet paper, and wild as can be, the male and the females and the kids and they ate raw meat as well,
We are the same people the same beast they were, But we are covering up, what we really are, with all kinds of makeup and deceptions to hide our real identity, The dog does not hide his true identity, the fish, the bear, the wolves, the lion. the tiger, the Hog, the bird. But humans hide who they really are,
They get married and then, the spouse gets a good look at you and a good smell of you!
And you do not want people, to see the real you!
My wife use to get mad, steaming , don't tell No body how old I am. She used to tell me, people were saying to her, you have a old man you much younger than he is . and I say, yes,, 2 years younger. But if I spent from $10-15,000.00 a year on my face at regular visits at the "Dermatologists" I would look younger too! I use "Ivory soap" and Jergens lotion' and Vaseline since I was a baby and still do!.." I say that To myself" I ain't no fool. but it is the truth.
What you see , is what you get, old age! Let your beauty be with in. how you look at me and how you hold my hand, even laying your head on my shoulder and thinking About Jesus.