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AI (Artificial Intelligence)


Jan 18, 2022

Humanoid Robots - Watch


It Begins... Tesla Rolls Out Robots Like New Cars...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Mark of the Beast! - Watch

Revelation 13:15 (NKJV)
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing now allow for a new world order that could give literal fulfillment to the Mark of the Beast prophecy in Revelation 13. There are many Artificial Intelligence YouTube videos showing the dangers artificial intelligence gone wrong, but scientists and governments continue on their march towards the artificial intelligence singularity which could give rise to a direct fulfillment of the "image of the Beast" prophecy described in Revelation 13 which will implement the Mark of the Beast and persecute those who oppose it.


Physicist Report 474: The Mark of the Beast: Human AI Integration is the End of Humanity - Watch


Dr. Claudia Albers, physicist, investigator and author... And God's Witness for the End Times... - Watch


The End Of Humanity - As Planned By The Global Leaders - Watch


AI (Artificial Intelligence)


LOTS Creed

Humanoid Robots - Watch


It Begins... Tesla Rolls Out Robots Like New Cars...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Mark of the Beast! - Watch

Revelation 13:15 (NKJV)
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing now allow for a new world order that could give literal fulfillment to the Mark of the Beast prophecy in Revelation 13. There are many Artificial Intelligence YouTube videos showing the dangers artificial intelligence gone wrong, but scientists and governments continue on their march towards the artificial intelligence singularity which could give rise to a direct fulfillment of the "image of the Beast" prophecy described in Revelation 13 which will implement the Mark of the Beast and persecute those who oppose it.


Physicist Report 474: The Mark of the Beast: Human AI Integration is the End of Humanity - Watch


Dr. Claudia Albers, physicist, investigator and author... And God's Witness for the End Times... - Watch


The End Of Humanity - As Planned By The Global Leaders - Watch


AI (Artificial Intelligence)


LOTS Creed
I find most don't believe in the evil of AI.. I call this inter(net).. world wide (web) the mouth of the beast n it has ensnared many frfr

I find most don't believe in the evil of AI..
That's because they have been duped into becoming enamored of Satan's wireless weapons. They call it "programming" for a reason. Satan is the most subtle beast of the field (Ge. 3:1) and the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2). IOW, he has control of, has authority/power over, what goes out on the airwaves e.g. electromagnetic frequencies ala "A.I." And A.I. is simply someone else's megacomputer(s).

I call this inter(net).. world wide (web) the mouth of the beast n it has ensnared many frfr
Demons can and do inhabit both animate and inanimate objects. Most ppl's addiction to their wireless toys is not by accident. And they've been programmed not to talk about it, not to even consider it. Lose the cell phone and the TV, and sanity returns.

Without mega data, A.I. cannot, by definition, exist. It is constructing a cognitive model of you in the cloud. Satan believes he can kick God's butiocks at the upcoming battle of Armageddon. He needs the bodies because it's a numbers game for him.
That's because they have been duped into becoming enamored of Satan's wireless weapons. They call it "programming" for a reason. Satan is the most subtle beast of the field (Ge. 3:1) and the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2). IOW, he has control of, has authority/power over, what goes out on the airwaves e.g. electromagnetic frequencies ala "A.I." And A.I. is simply someone else's megacomputer(s).

Demons can and do inhabit both animate and inanimate objects. Most ppl's addiction to their wireless toys is not by accident. And they've been programmed not to talk about it, not to even consider it. Lose the cell phone and the TV, and sanity returns.

Without mega data, A.I. cannot, by definition, exist. It is constructing a cognitive model of you in the cloud. Satan believes he can kick God's butiocks at the upcoming battle of Armageddon. He needs the bodies because it's a numbers game for him.
Well Abba clearly told him Abba is coming for His I find Humor n how The Words repeats how many in revelations.. Father truly does have a sense of humor once one gets to really spending time with Him
ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ
Well Abba clearly told him Abba is coming for His
We gotta make sure we're his. Too many are not, even as they think they are. We are gonna be tested big-time; it's already here. We gotta confess and repent of partaking of the wicked thing, sanctifying ourselves. Ppl in bondage make poor witnesses.

Referring to the OP, ever wonder why the robots that are rolled out to us are almost always showcased in humanoid form? It's so you will identify with them...
We gotta make sure we're his. Too many are not, even as they think they are. We are gonna be tested big-time; it's already here. We gotta confess and repent of partaking of the wicked thing, sanctifying ourselves. Ppl in bondage make poor witnesses.

Referring to the OP, ever wonder why the robots that are rolled out to us are almost always showcased in humanoid form? It's so you will identify with them...
What do you mean make sure lol do you know Him?? Or do you just know of Him?? Do you not talk to Him??

That's the silliest thing one said to me make sure I'm His..

But I guess I understand what ya mean but ya should be able to tell who is lead by the Holy Spirit n who is not..

Even a parrot can repeat is what I say

One of the first things I have asked for when I started to draw near to Him was for ears like His to be able to discern between the wheats n the tears

For if it wasn't for the Power of Abba we all be gonners frfr

We gotta make sure we're his. Too many are not, even as they think they are. We are gonna be tested big-time; it's already here. We gotta confess and repent of partaking of the wicked thing, sanctifying ourselves. Ppl in bondage make poor witnesses.

Referring to the OP, ever wonder why the robots that are rolled out to us are almost always showcased in humanoid form? It's so you will identify with them...
Have ya noticed it's mostly female??

My chains were cut off by His hands, I received the face and likeness of a new person, and I walked in Him and was saved.
And the thought of truth led me, and I went after it and wandered not.
And all who saw me were amazed, and I seemed to them like a stranger.

ԅ⁠(⁠ ͒⁠ ⁠۝ ͒⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕤ

Transhumanism: The End Game - Watch

Daniel 2:43 (NKJV)
43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
Transhumanism is iron mixed with clay. The iron is AI and machines and the clay is humans.


Laura Aboli


Lab Grown HUMAN Brains ENSLAVED By A.I. Musk’s Neuralink Chip THREATENS Humanity - Watch


Video: Living Human Skin Used to Create Creepy Smiling Face for Robot
They been growing organs for a minute now they trying to change DNA from the inside out.. so much experimentations going on n most don't even see they r part of the "guinea pigs"
I've seen the first two vid's ("transhumanism" and "Neuralink"), but not the "human skin smiley face" vid (they're mocking us); I'll check it tonight.

Their religion requires them to tell us what they're going to do to us, before they do it. Hence, all the media's predictive programming. It's known as "Revelation of the Method." They believe that by telling us beforehand, if we don't protest or react, then they have their warrant and thus are blameless (which is a lie).

They been growing organs for a minute now they trying to change DNA from the inside out.. so much experimentations going on
Same thing that Satan was doing back at Genesis 6, when the fallen angels mated with earthly women (Satan's attempt to pollute the gene pool and thus prevent the birth of the coming Messiah). The genetic slicing and dicing has not stopped, as the assault on the temple (i.e. the believer's body) continues unabated.

most don't even see they r part of the "guinea pigs"
Precisely. That is the power of the lie. Try telling someone that the cell towers will need to come down, and that they must rid themselves of their cell phones. Their excuses are varied and quite colorful, but their satanic addiction nonetheless carries on to their detriment.
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