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Am i wrong?


Mar 31, 2006
Hey guys.. Is it wrong to love a man or a boy as u wud choose to call it, younger than the girl. I mean if he is around 3 to 4 years younger than the girl.
And yeah.. whatever it is... even if the boy is elder.. how do i sense if it is Gods will. I normally ask God that if this has to be this way then let so and so thing happen. Am i wrong to do that? I mean i feel so confused as i have a christian boy who is 3 and a half years old and he loves me. Infact i think even i love him. But the bottom line is i and he too would take anythin the Lord wants from us. Evn if it costs this relationship.
But wht do i do.. I need Christians to help me out on this with their views.
Plz lemme know. God bless

If something is not of God, it will not last. If this relationship is a destined to work out, things will fall into place so amazingly. I personally don't find anything wrong to have feelings for someone younger. Age is just a number. It's great that you put God's will before anything else.. There is nothing wrong with that because you are putting him in control of your life which is totally awesome! I've also had that question on my mind on whether or not was relationship was God's will; it's something I can't quite find the answer to so my significant other and I have been kneeling in prayer and basically asking for direction. We both know and accept the fact that if our relationship is not destined to work out then God had a purpose for our meeting and if things are meant to work out, then they will work no matter what obstacles stand in the way and what not. Leave everything in God's hands and trust him. That's what I am doing and the best advice I can give you.
Hi there sister, I am 19 yrs old boy and I had once fallen in love with this girl and for mre than a year, it came as a decieving weapon, it took down my spiritual life with it, the srtange part about it was I knew it was God's Will but the devil played a mastermind game with me and I never knew that it was the devil, I kept seeking His Will days and days and now its been one year, After one whole year of pain, prayer and intercession, the feeling just left even though this girl was with me, then after it left God showed me in a vision and He spoke to me Himself about that girl's true identity, something like a fake believer and a very bad flirt, it killed me inside then I knew God's plan and time is perfect as Him.... It maybe different for you sister but all I am saying is "Watch and Pray"... God bless U, if needed further assistance/prayers or anythin at all... plz dont hesitate to mail me..
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Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own under standing. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

All you can do is trust in God, pray for discernment.

Also, getting input from those who are close to you is vital. They know you personally and would be able to see things you may not see in that person.

I don't see age as a problem ( above 18, anything under jail bate )
Its all about maturity.