We all need angles
I have this friend who I want to tell you about. He just came into my life about six months ago. He is born again and he is to me a constant reminder of how God works in our lives.
Through tough times, when i call him to complain about this or the other, he always has a verse for me from the Bible. When am happy and i share with him, he again reminds me that God has done what he has promised. One time i was so hurt by something that was said by someone to me. I could not stop crying. Everytime this friend called me, i was not able to talk because i was crying. He sent me a message that said, " Wipe away your tears and be happy. Look up, You are a child of God". Immediately i stopped crying and realised how happy the devil must have been while i was so unhappy.
The Bible says that during season and off season we should praise the Lord. I thank God for giving me my best friend. He has stood firm and helped me when i have felt like giving up.
And now, he has added even more friends through TJ. What a Wonderful God we serve. God has put you were you are to be an encouragement to the others.
I have this friend who I want to tell you about. He just came into my life about six months ago. He is born again and he is to me a constant reminder of how God works in our lives.
Through tough times, when i call him to complain about this or the other, he always has a verse for me from the Bible. When am happy and i share with him, he again reminds me that God has done what he has promised. One time i was so hurt by something that was said by someone to me. I could not stop crying. Everytime this friend called me, i was not able to talk because i was crying. He sent me a message that said, " Wipe away your tears and be happy. Look up, You are a child of God". Immediately i stopped crying and realised how happy the devil must have been while i was so unhappy.
The Bible says that during season and off season we should praise the Lord. I thank God for giving me my best friend. He has stood firm and helped me when i have felt like giving up.
And now, he has added even more friends through TJ. What a Wonderful God we serve. God has put you were you are to be an encouragement to the others.
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