Greg, something was prodding me to return to this forum after 8 years.
i mostly post on reddit right now but i joined this site again a day after your post, and your post here was one of the first ones i saw.
i'm still a bit affected by what i'm about to tell you so i presume you'll forgive me for delaying my reply by 5 weeks, but this matter was on my mind tonight again and perhaps i should have replied 5 weeks ago.
basically i have 8 years experience with your kind of story. the spiritual matters likely overlap but the physical matters don't in our cases.
i don't believe i went more than half an hour without thinking about a certain woman (code name voldemort) who found me nov 19, 2012, until fall 2017. it was in fall of 2017 i met a woman (K) who i thought might be a good fit, but before we met she already had plans to move 6 hours away and i felt conflicted pressuring her to change those plans, so we didn't have much of a relationship. i did love her but not enough to form an attachment to her because it seemed God was interfering with our relationship.. but it was enough of a motivation to actually pray for her properly, which i did in the first few weeks.. and i very quickly was told that i had no responsibility to her at all and something other than me told me to talk to her about voldemort.. which i did. K turned out to be a christian and it seemed like she suspended judgement on the matter... but probably privately thought i was nuts.
so anyhow.. meeting K who seemed to be a good person provided me the inspiration to pray for K properly thinking God sent her.. (he didn't, far as i know). and i quickly discovered in order to overcome the spiritual harassment hindering me from praying for K... i had to cast the demons out of voldemort.
so i did.. and very quickly got relief from 5 years of mental illness.
however, that wasn't the end of it.
within a few weeks or months of one victory, more harassment showed up and i would be wasting lots of time trying to figure out new perspectives, only to grow in spiritual maturity the hard way and then i would find more faith to pray for voldemort properly again, and cast yet another demon out of her.
this went on for a year.. and then i met another woman E. .. she and i are going to be getting married soon.
but for the first year and a half of my relationship with E, i had to assure her i had to remain faithful to Voldemort. E wasn't really psychologically mature enough to handle much of the story so i didn't share with her much.. but that didn't prevent her from having dreams about my childhood from before i can remember.. from before E was born. (this is a complex situation not many can handle.. E was harassed by voldemort's demons too.. until the matter was resolved)
turns out voldemort didn't lie to me when she confessed to me that she knew me as a child.
when i met her in 2012 and i was able to prophetically ask her to confirm her last name. it wasn't because God gave me that information, it wasn't because i or she was telepathic.. it was because my own mind remembered it, and but my own mind hid that prior relationship from me because it was ashamed of having sex with her.. i'm guessing around age 6-7.
when she ghosted me 2 months later (feb/jan 2013) and i was able to drive to her house because i "knew" she was in trouble (which she was, but that's another story) it wasn't because God sent me there.
it was because i had been to her house as a child in 1992-1994 and my dissociated consciousness (which had gotten extra depressed after she ghosted me).. wanted to see her again.
so its been some time now and i'm thinking she is being blackmailed into keeping silent, if she had gone to the police about the sexual abuse in her parents house, they would have found me. but no such investigation happened. she is 9 years older than me, and still attracted to me, was most likely molested by her step father.. who walked out of the house to confront me in 2013.. he misspronounced her name 3 different ways told me he didn't know her. somehow i recognized his voice and knew he was lying.
spiritually i have kept on top of the matter and i am not harassed by her demons any longer, and neither is my gf/fiance E.
E had the drive to do some research and turns out Voldemeort was groomed by 2 witches and was also personally influenced by starhawk, at the age of 14, 3 decades ago.
one of the witches who groomed her.. married a man 15 years her junior.
8 years later i cannot tell if Voldemort intended to spiritually conquor me (as E's dreams have suggested) or if it was a type of "hail Mary" confession and she legiatamtly was in a state of terror, and was afraid of me.. 8 years ago. .