Has anyone on here felt that antidepressants were blocking their ability to have a relationship with god?
Any man made stimulant will deminise the ability of one to have a true relationship with God. A natural stimulant from the Holy Spirit is the only way.
I appologize for a typo above. The word deminise was not on purpose, I meant to say deminish.
What I meant to say was:
I feel any man made stimulant or in your case,anti-depressant can effect or
deminish the ability to have a relationship with God as you asked.
But, being depressed is usually worse.
The key is to get off any medication eventually and should be your goal.
I meant you no disrespect and in fact, I have had my own personal demons and have used anti-depressants before.
For me the cure was worse than the desease and I was finally cured of both.
Being in a depressive state, I know it is very difficult in feeling sprititual or close to God, so two things here:
- Don't ever fall in Satan's trap thinking that God has caused your depression.
- If on anti-depressants and you still feel disconnected from God, ask your doctor to maybe lower your dosage a bit and see if that helps, maybe you are being over medicated.
The ultimate goal is to stay in the word of God and realize your depression is not from him; all he wants is for you to be healed and the hope of a Utopia where we all will be free from all pain. Your goal should be to overcome your fear by ever so slightly lowering your dosages and being more positive, staying in the word and relying on him more. I did and eventually got off of drugs, when I realized my depression was of my own creation and living in untruth was simply not living in his truth!
No offense but, from my own experience, I personally think you should steer away from anything negative in your life and change your TJ name to something more positive; I really think that would be a fresh and positive step for you.
Again, I am sorry you had to read my original thread with the wrong word
deminise which looked too much like
demonize , for which, I meant to use neither!