Brother while our budget does not permit a family vacation, it does allow us to spend the day at a park a distance away and have a picnic. Or going to a amusement park( hubby and I met at one we both worked there) We try and at least once try and go to a hotel for a night or two, that has a pool and is by attraction that the kids enjoy. Some people find it strange that we will pay $75 to sleep 1 hr from home but its worth it, my kids completely enjoy themselves and it is easier on our budget.
We are very fortunate to live in a area that has alot of things to do that are a distance to drive but easy-ish on the budget.
We manage about one family holiday a year,usually in july or august.It always involves a tent and visiting roman ruins and castles.Im not sure at what point it happened but i turned into my dad.Im sure it wont be too long and i will be having my wardrobe bought for me and saying noone sings better than Willie nelson and the transformation will be complete.
We got every summer for 10 days, then weekends. I love it. Get in 3 weeks a year in the summer. Working in school I get Christmas off and Spring Break too but the only vacations are in the summer. We always go camping, cheap, fun...
We don't do a regular yearly thing & sometimes will go for several years without a vacation. Our favorite is going to the mountains with no agenda other than to escape the daily ratrace.
We have 2 children in the military tho so most of our vacations are venturing to where they are living at the time. Last year we were fortunate enough to go to Germany for a month to visit my son & his wife. That one will probably take care of vacations for us for quite some time...
When I was younger my family was the same way, we took day trips, and we had the best of times. We always took my dad's grandmom and mom with us and it made it really special. They were great and we never felt like we miss anything. Now many years later brother and I take a family vacation and you guessed it, we take my mom and dad and the kids love it. Sometime in the winter when we are tired of the snow and the cold we will go about 40 minutes away to a hotel with a indoor pool just for a night, to give the kids a break from school and to relax without the phone! One little side note we learned a long time a go we use the same hotel for brother and I to get away with out the kids, you would be surprise how one night away alone can help and give a boost to any marriage. Families are getting beat up in America and part of the reason is we are so busy we don't spend enough time with our kids and spouses. Day trips are a great way to spend that time together.
Your sister in Christ
AlabasterBox :girl:
PS: Can't go to far Heavensound gets car sick after 2 hours in the car!!!