I really wanted to make sure I was typing with god on my side because its so easy to let the devil type what he puts in our head....My faith first came nearly 6months ago when I accidentally came to TJ. Well we all know it was no accident but I gave my heart to God, I felt a peace but not like the peace I feel today....I have had some real hard times, some times where I am so glad you all cant see my tears...times when Ive laughed and the kids think Im weried laughing at a screen, but you have to be there I say to them....Ive had a time even when I couldnt see any other hope but end everything....Ive had times where Ive pressed the x in the corner because I was mad....times where I have been so weak and in pain, I was barely typing.....I lost a baby through the eveil satan put me through....I hit rock bottom and then there were more rocks along the way....and there were times that I left because someone would ask how things were and I didnt wanna lie....I wanted so badly to say great even after getting a bashing...BUT I reallized somthing when I read the posts in the prayer warriors and that was God is real, Today I had a great experience in Prayer Chat and God answered not one prayer but many. When we think he isnt there he has been carrying me....When I have felt all those emotions he has felt them too....Brothers and Sisters that have helped me through Ive listened, some may have saved my life....some held my hand while I lost my way......some felt the pain when I lost my baby.....some felt the beatings.......some cried......and some laughed .......some have shared food......some drink.......thankyou.......thankyou God for giving me Talk Jesus.....
God bless you sister! I'm glad GOD has answered your prayers and you feel at peace! GOD is an awesome GOD and His grace / salvation given unto us through our Savior Jesus Christ is undeniable and unforgettable. Praise our Father in Heaven every day!!
I am grateful that we have had TJ to get us through, I am not the best husband I know but Im learning, Im trying to be better...I went to church for the first time last week and Im grateful for what god is doing in my life even if I dont like it. Thankyou to everyone that supports us
God bless and touch you with His loving, healing hands today I love you very much Jesus, be with Popples and her baby right now and bless the time of rest they are having while getting checked and taken care of from the docs, Thank you for Your Holy Presence, your sweet Spirit and help mrpopples and their children today through another day Amen
Dear Lord, may popples, mrpopples and their children hold you in their hearts and receive your love and strength. May they feel most welcome in the family of Christ and in TJ. May their sensibility grow in love for you and each other and may their futures be bright. Amen
May God pour his blessings onto you and your family. resent:
May God continue to bless you Popples and give you guidance. May you be able to walk in the destiny that He has for you to walk in. I pray too that you will bear much fruit for the Kingdom.
Mr popples I hope this time of year brings to you an understanding of the true blessings we have been given by God when he brought us the ultimate gift .........Our salvation. I just read this post I know it has been here for awhile. I felt though that here and now is a time for a reply. Please feel free to send me a PM bro if you ever need someone to chat with. I'll be more than happy to send you my email addy. GBU and keep you and your family safe. Remember bro without God its so much more harder to stay clean. So stay strong in Christ He will guide you through.
Sicerely your brothere in Christ,