I've read some of the books of the Apocrypha, and
some can be useful. The books of the Maccabees, for instance, do shed some light on the history of Israel between the Testaments, but I can see why they were left out of the Canon of Scripture. They definately lack divine authority.
The Book of Thomas contains some fanciful stories. From the Gospels, we know that Jesus only performed miracles after He was baptised by the Holy Spirit at the Jordan River. We also know that Jesus only did miracles out of compassion - to help people. In the book of Thomas, we have the
child Jesus, turning wooden doves into real ones. Sorry, this cannot be true, as it contradicts the gospels. See John 2:11
After looking into this issue myself with an open mind, and after reading the Bible (many times), some of the Apocrypha as well as the Lost Books, I
easily came to the conclusion that only the words of the Bible are divinely inspired by God, authoritative and infallible. In fact, the difficiencies of the other works were much more obvious than I thought they would be.
I can easily see why some books were chosen to be included in the Canon of Scripture and why the others were left out
If I want to learn about God, His world and if I want Him to speak to me, I'm going to stick to the Bible