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Are Husbands & Wives Equal According to the Bible?

Dec 24, 2020
What are your thoughts?
One only needs to look at the relationship between Christ and the church to see roles we should be acting out.
What if one spouse is a child of the devil and the other is a child of God? one loves the world, inwhich the world loves them, for the world loves it's own. One spouse loves not the world because God Has Commanded That Child to Not Love not this world, and the world automatically Hates that Spouse because who he is. One is Born of The Spirit and the other is not. meaning there is constance conflict. and it is impossible to come to agreement. For the bible says they have Nothing in common. One must always address these issue. You will not get along if this is the case! One is a child of God, one is a Child of The devil. now what? If this is the case. If one is Judas, that one must stay a Judas, If one is a Esau, they must stay a Esau, if one is a Hagar, she must stay a Hagar, if one is a child of promise, they must stay a child of promise. For it is always according to the "WILL of GOD" for His Purpose. This language must always be spoken in "marital relationships" as well, For the Bible is Lace throughout it's pages of "The Unfaithfulness of The Covenant relationship" Full of lies and deceptions Prime examples: of God and His People from "Genesis to Revelation" always Marriages of unfaithness deceptions, Not one record from Genesis to Revelation of Not even One good Marriage, NOT ONE! Every one filled with hurt pain and sin! And the Church today wants mercy and grace in their relationship with GOD, and there are some do not want to give it out to their own home, prime reason, we all are still "sinners" and many times "Miss the Mark".
What if one spouse is a child of the devil and the other is a child of God? one loves the world, inwhich the world loves them, for the world loves it's own. One spouse loves not the world because God Has Commanded That Child to Not Love not this world, and the world automatically Hates that Spouse because who he is. One is Born of The Spirit and the other is not. meaning there is constance conflict. and it is impossible to come to agreement. For the bible says they have Nothing in common. One must always address these issue. You will not get along if this is the case! One is a child of God, one is a Child of The devil. now what? If this is the case. If one is Judas, that one must stay a Judas, If one is a Esau, they must stay a Esau, if one is a Hagar, she must stay a Hagar, if one is a child of promise, they must stay a child of promise. For it is always according to the "WILL of GOD" for His Purpose. This language must always be spoken in "marital relationships" as well, For the Bible is Lace throughout it's pages of "The Unfaithfulness of The Covenant relationship" Full of lies and deceptions Prime examples: of God and His People from "Genesis to Revelation" always Marriages of unfaithness deceptions, Not one record from Genesis to Revelation of Not even One good Marriage, NOT ONE! Every one filled with hurt pain and sin! And the Church today wants mercy and grace in their relationship with GOD, and there are some do not want to give it out to their own home, prime reason, we all are still "sinners" and many times "Miss the Mark".
Noah and his wife had a good marriage in the Old Testament and Aquila and precilla in the New Testament. But I understand what your saying regarding unequally yoked marriages. Are you saying if your unequally yoked that a wife does not have to submit to her husband?
@PloughBoy -- why not just say 'what if one spouse is a believer and the other isn't. Well -- most of the time marriages in this country are not forced on either the man or woman. And, lots of times people simply move in together -- when the relationship doesn't work out, it's easier to just move out. Only problem with that is that people are emotional beings. They want to 'make' love instead of Show love. there are those who decide that if the sex is okay, then the relationship will work.

Apparently people get along well enough to get married. No one Has to stay one particular way or another. There have been two non-believers who've gotten married -- one is listening to a preacher on TV and is interested in hearing more -- he / she calls in their husband /wife to hear it with them. They both get saved together. And there are those who are saved and as the spouse sees the changes in the other one, they are drawn to Christ and accept Him as personal Savior.

"Not even One good marriage, NOT ONE" every one filled with pain and sin.!" That Might depend on what a person considers a Good marriage to consist Of. Marriage consists of two non-perfect people coming together. So, ya, there's bound to be pain and sin at some points. There is Also forgiveness involved -- Lots of it. Marriage is only as 'good' as the people make it to be. We're All sinners -- lots of us are sinners who've been saved through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Just because two people get married who are not both believers does Not mean there is constant strife with an inability to come to agreement. That also happens with both being born again believers. Marriage is one of the hardest relationships to keep 'being good'. It takes work. The more intimacy involved the more vulnerability is needed. And vulneratility can be scary.
Noah and his wife had a good marriage in the Old Testament and Aquila and precilla in the New Testament. But I understand what your saying regarding unequally yoked marriages. Are you saying if your unequally yoked that a wife does not have to submit to her husband?
If you are willing to Walk in "The Truth" and to deny yourself, and believe and Trust that the Word of God is Truth and to lean not unto thy own understanding, I will show you, in your reply, where you are wrong and do not let "pride stand in the way".

you said, "Noah and his wife had a good marriage in the Old Testament" " But "The WORD" did not say that. You did.

American Standard Version
God forbid: yea, let God be found true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy words, And mightest prevail when thou comest into judgment.

You said: " and Aquila and Precilla in the New Testament" referring that they had one too. But "The WORD" did not say that. you did.
American Standard Version
God forbid: yea, let God be found true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy words, And mightest prevail when thou comest into judgment.

But GOD did say, Only "NOAH" found flavor. Not his sons, not his wife, nor his daughter in laws, they were "corrupted" in every thought. Because the "WORD of GOD" said so.
(Genesis 6)ESV.
5The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7So the LORD said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”
8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
9These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God. 10And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11And the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12And God saw the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

And Noah's wife thoughts and His sons thoughts, and his daughter-in-laws and His grand children thoughts and their childrens thoughts did not get better, But then God had a plan, before the Foundations of WORLD. a "Remnant according to Grace" an "Outcast" Chosen by GOD.
For there is none righteous, no not one, there is none that doth good.

A True Child of GOD, born of His Spirit and washed in HIs Blood. Has been bought with a price, who had been once bound and a "slave" unto sin. But now has been "Purchase" by another LORD and Master who's name IS "Jesus" , The Son of The Living GOD" and now has been called into "Obedience" a "Slave" unto Righteousness. now, That child can be a 'dis-obedient or a Obedient son. But let it be known that son's Father will "discipline and Scourge Every son whom He receives and every son is a partaker of this event.:eyes: If God does not put that "Cat of Nine Cat tails" on your bottom side, You ain't one of HIS! and that is The Gospel Truth! You might stray today and tomorrow, He might even leave the 99 to come get you and bring you back into the Sheepfold. But the time will come when He will put that Rod on your back and that Staff hook around your NECK! You will fear that Shepherd more than That Wolf!
And you will understand the meaning: "Thy Rod and Thy Staff comforts me" and "The Lord is My Shepherd AND HE MAKES ME! lie down in green Pastures!
You will learn a new form of "hermeneutics":eyes: and you will not be move by every wind and doctrine! You will be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters!


If your wife do not want to obey God's Word, That her business. The day will come for her too! "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN" If she thinks she can explain her way, why she did not obey GOD's Word! If she think, she can tell GOD, because it hurt to obey my husband! I can see "Jesus" now! And I am down here on earth.
Unless otherwise specified; the Bible's firstborn sons outrank their siblings. In other
words: ranking in family circles isn't so much a gender issue as it is a primogeniture
issue, i.e. normally the younger serve the eldest; and this particular hierarchy was
initiated back in Eden.

"For Adam was formed first, then Eve." (1Tim 2:13)

"Unto the woman He said: your husband . . he shall rule over you." (Gen 3:16)

I would have to say then; that a Christian woman who gets herself into fighting for
equality with her husband is a substandard Christian wife; and has forgotten that
women were intended to support their husband instead of competing with him.

"The Lord God said: It's not good for Adam to be solitary; I will make a fitting
helper for him." (Gen 2:18)

"The holy women of the past, who put their hope in God, were submissive to their
own husbands; like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master." (1Pet

NOTE: It never seems to fail that somebody, at some point, during a discussion of

hierarchy within a marriage, will posit that Paul's statement below makes marriage
a level playing field.

"You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were
baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor
Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal

(chuckle) Paul pitted against Paul; the clash of the titans, only in this event, both
titans are one and the same titan. Yes, both genders are one in Christ; but then
Jesus and God are one also, yet there is a hierarchy in the Divinity because "the
head of Christ is God"

1Cor 11:3 . . But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ;
and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
Well the husband is to be the spiritual leader of the wife / family. And the wife is to follow her husbands leadership and do so with their children. And the husband is to show love, respect to his wife. and children.
1Pe 3:7 In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered. (NLT)
1Pet 3:7a . . Give honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel,

The Greek word translated "vessel" basically indicates anything from a soup bowl to
a cardboard box; in other words: a container.

Peter isn't saying women are physically weaker than men; but that Christian
husbands should exercise the same care and concern for their wives as they would
a fragile antique worth thousands of dollars like, say, a Ming vase. Nobody in their
right mind handles a Ming vase like a farmer handles a 5-gallon bucket. Not that
some women couldn't take that kind of abuse; it's just that its unbecoming for a
Christian man to lack sensitivity.

This particular assessed value isn't an intrinsic value, nor is it a deserved value
either; but rather, it's a gratuitous value. In other words: Christ commands
Christian husbands to value their wives up there with Dresden china even if she's a
tough female cop and/or a UFC mixed martial artist the likes of Rhonda Rousey--
this is not a choice; no, it isn't optional; it's required.