"27And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled.
28But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.
29Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,
30And brought them out, and said,
and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
God says to all, in Mark16:9,
"Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.
"And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,"
Peace be unto you t
God Our Truly Good Father, and Jesus Our Truly Good Brother, and Lord, and Savior, and God and King, and All in All truly loves all WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE, JESUS HIMSELF (Jeremiah
Jesus Himself, Who alone has all power, truly lives within each of us.
But our spiritual ignorance and our evil unbelief and
So what is God's Answer to all our problems? Simply Jesus Himself, WITHIN US.
1 - Jesus is our only hope forever, for all things, both in time and in Eternity.
2 - and WHOLEHEARTED FAITH IN JESUS alone forever is our ONLY LINK TO OUR ONLY ETERNAL SALVATION and Eternal Help, Jesus.
Read Acts 16:30,31 The Phillipian jailor was about to kill himself,
but God gave The True Apostle Paul and The True Prophet Silas, knowledge of what he planned to they cried out...DO YOURSELF NO HARM...we are all here.
God says the same to you, dear child of God, DO YOURSELF NO HARM. Jesus said, "Come unto ME, all you who labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST (Jesus Himself)
Simply pray these prayers from the center of your heart, silently to God in your daily quiet time with God. God hears you the first time you pray, so just keep your heart open to God's Grace as much as possible after you God can little by little flood you with His Saving Grace.
Belief in Jesus
Receiving God's Grace
Thanking God in advance for all the truly good things that God is gonna do for the good of your spirit inwardly
and praying simply childlike prayers to God for God to simply save you, keep you, help you, guide you, love you, and let you love Him,
and teach you how to pray...are all things that please God and that keep our heart open to God's Necessary Saving Grace, that is truly invisible all around you.
AND WHOLEHEARTED SURRENDER of your evil selfish will to His Truly Good Peaceful Will, so that Jesus can little by little, destroy the evil strongholds that satan has built up in your soul, through years of doing things your own evil selfish way.
Lord Jesus, I believe, help you my unbelief.
God be merciful to me a sinner.
Lord Jesus, please save me according to Your Mercy
Lord Jesus, please undertake for me, for I am oppressed
(by the devil)
But we are all naturally evil stubborn and rebellious, although most people don't admit to it. And this LIE and denial of The Truth, that God and Jesus alone forever are good, and that we are evil, and that all of us TRULY NEED JESUS for every moment of life, and for every thing that troubles us.
Simply trust and turn inwardly and WHOLEHEARTEDLY pray,
God be merciful to me a sinner, as often as needed.
Bottom line...God Our Truly Good Father, and Jesus Our Truly Good Brother and Lord and Savior and God and King, and All in All,
truly begs and commands all true Christians for their own good,
to simply do 3 things in order to truly cooperate with God's Divine that little by little, Jesus can makes us better.
1 - wholehearted trust in Jesus alone forever for Our Eternal Salvation
(Proverbs3:5,6) (Acts 16:30,31) (Romans10:9,10)
2 - wholehearted casting all our care upon Jesus, for Jesus truly cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)
3 - wholehearted RETURNING INWARDLY to Jesus in the center of our spirit to Abide with Jesus in the spiritual safety zone forever (Psalms91) (Joel2:12)
Only Jesus can save any of us ok? but Jesus always wait until the last moment to save us, to prove to us, that we truly need Him, and to warn us and teach us in His Truly Perfect Love, never to stray from Him in the future, but stay safe with Jesus within forever.
God and Jesus alone forever is faithful and will truly save us in His Truly Good Time and in His Truly Good Way.
Jesus' part is to save us and Jesus will never fail to save us,
IF...we do our part and simply trust in Jesus alone forever,
like a little child for every thing that scares us, every moment and forever.
Beloved reader, peruse this little treatise with a humble, sincere and
candid spirit, and not with an inclination to cavil and criticize, and
you will not fail to reap some degree of profit from it. It was written
with a hearty desire that you might wholly devote yourself to God;
receive it, then, with a like desire for your own perfection: for
nothing more is intended by it than to invite the simple and child-like
to approach their Father, who delights in the humble confidence of His
children, and is grieved at the smallest instance of their diffidence
or distrust. With a sincere desire, therefore, to forsake sin, seek
nothing from the unpretending method here proposed but the Love of God,
and you shall undoubtedly obtain it.
It is Thou alone, O Holy Jesus, who lovest simplicity and innocence,
"and whose delight is to dwell with the children of men" (Prov. viii.
31), with those who are, indeed, willing to become "little children";
it is Thou alone, who canst render this little work of any value by
imprinting it on the hearts of all who read it, and leading them to
seek Thee within themselves, where Thou reposest as in the manger,
waiting to receive proofs of their love, and to give them testimony of
Thine. Yet alas! They may still lose these unspeakable advantages by
their negligence and insensibility! But it belongeth unto Thee, O thou
Uncreated Love! Thou Silent and Eternal Word! it belongeth unto Thee,
to awaken, attract, and convert; to make Thyself be heard, tasted, and
beloved! I know Thou canst do it, and I trust Thou wilt do it by this
humble work which belongeth entirely to Thee, proceedeth wholly from
Thee, and tendeth only to Thee! And, O most Gracious and adorable
To Thee be all the Glory!
Jeanne Guyon, France, late 1600s
In Christ,