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Are we still deceived, and who have deceived us, into believing Lies! or do we love wickeness?


Dec 2, 2019
Are we not to believe this as "children of GOD" or are we save by Jesus to walk in wickness, Do we know what wickedness is in GOD sight or what the Bible declares what wickedness evil is. As Children of GOD are we not to know, what a Wicked person is, Or does westernization and our own personal definition of wickedness defines the righteousness of "GOD ALMIGHTY"? If so, what does that makes us? My Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

(1 Cor.6:)NASB
9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [g]homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor those habitually drunk, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.11Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and [h]in the Spirit of our God.

Will we go to Hell and Live in The "Lake of Fire" through out Eternity" if after we have be delivered from a sinful life style, then we live and have fellowship with those people who engage in such wickedness.

Is the word of God Lying and we are " immune" and "inoculated" by the Blood of Jesus that Christians are not to be Dammed into the LAke of FIRE! and All others are Guilty and they Must go there but Christians has a special get of Fire Ticket, and can "Divorce, kill, rape, fornicate, lie, gossip, slander, swindle, cheat, sow discore, among husbands and wives, friends, and they have to never worry about hell fire, but just a little discipline, divorce and remarry by deceit. and the only thing you have to do is for give me lord i have sin, then go by you daily way. then when your conscious, or your new partner or spouse begin to offend you look for another scapegoat. Friends, minsters, churches or new fling. Feed your desire, for new forms of wickeness.

["there is no ondemnation to those in Jesus Christ" is this the get out of HEll fire ticket" so we can slander and gossip and sow discord remarry live in fornication and adultress condictions among peole with no condemnation?] No guilt?
Has This world lost the view of Righteousness, Or have we lost the view of "Righteousness" as living examples of a "Holy and Sanctified "Lives in "Christ Jesus". The definitions of words has change, Are our eyes been blinded more by the Hands of "The GOD ALMIGHTY" for not only have Satan blinded this world , But GOD himself have given us up to a "Reprobated Mind" Because:

18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth [m]in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident [n]within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knewGod, they did not [o]honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their reasonings, and their senseless hearts were darkened. 22Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23and they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible mankind, of birds, four-footed animals, and [p]crawling creatures.

24Therefore God gave them up to vile impurity in the lusts of their hearts, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for [q]falsehood, and worshipedand served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed [r]forever. Amen.

The Letter of "Romans", was a Letter to "Roman Christians" or to the Christians in Rome". This letter was not written to "sinners" it was written to "The Followers of "The Way", the true "children of God", the Saints"of God. To warn them. and for them not to be deceived. because those who practice these things will go to HELL! Do not let these people fool you, and tell you other wise.

Fornication and Divorce and remarry, is unpure and wickeness. and you know it! Those who practices such things. GOD has reveal it to you, and you have search out the lands to prove He is wrong, You went from church to church, ministers to ministers, pastors to pastors, friends to friends, to prove GOD is Wrong. Ok wait till Judgerment DAy Come! You will have No excuse, God will say i warn you i warn you day and night and you refused my counsel and you took the cousel of men and women, Now let them save You! Now many will call this Hate speech, I called it "The Gospel of Jesus Christ" "REPENT" when you ask for forgiveness then you turn around and go in the reverse direction! And forsake all! well we have children, ok what does the Bible say? Whososever loves, husband, wives, mother or father, sons or daughter more than me cannot be my disciple. Ok, fine do what you want to do. But there is only One God that can save, us from the Lake of Fire! No son or daughtr, husband or wife, or friend can save you from eternal death. But they can point you into the right direction. I was wrong and I ask for forgiveness and I "REPENTED" turn around and went into the Right difection, and sinned no more! Less a worst thing happens to me. Do not let people convince you into "Wallow" in your sins"and eating your own vomit".

[Do not go from "one Hog pen to another one then another one" You will get accustom to "Hog Pens and Mud" and love to wallowing in it. From one bed into another one and feel comfortable in every new one you lie down in, The newer the bed the more comforable it feels. " A Reprobate mind". given to you by GOD!.

"It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and then to turn away from the holy commandment passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.”

Many who was single and went from one bed into another bed, for years. Then they got married and GOD honored the marrital bed and forgave them of their past unpure unholy and wicked sexual sins. Then they got bored, the marital bed became disdane to them but not to GOD. Then before you knew it the proverb game to be and they wanted GOD to Bless "The MUD" and "The Vomit" that he delivered them from. They return to the very things GOD had wash them from, And refused the Blesse place for a Unholy one and called HIM to engage in such wickedness. We have become so blind, and claim we are "folowers of "Jesus Christ", with our :heads in the Air". The True GOD is A HOLY GOD! It seems No ne even Knows what that means anymore. "The Holiness of GOD".

Stop hanging around people who feeds your lusts and desirers, "Bad company corrupts good morals" especially when those who do not know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, God's will, and their own desirers.

Now this is a salvation message, to save you from your own self. The Problems are not sinners who know not God But those who claim they Know Him but live like they don't, but live like the good people and respected prople of this world but declare they are followers of Christ. and this is so sad.
It is not fair to assume Christians who sin are not Christians. It seems you are implying this, Correct me if I am wrong.

Paul would address letters / those in attendance at meetings as ''brothers and sisters in Christ''. It is a respectful way to address the congregation.

This does not mean that Paul believed all in attendance were brothers and sisters. His teaching on sin isolated Christians from Christians.

Paul never believed a Christian can lose their salvation. His teaching is geared toward us ensuring we examine ourselves to ensure we are in fact true Christians.

If you look closely at a passage like 1 Cor 6:9-12 you will see that all the sins mentioned are plural. Paul mentions ''unrepentant and continuing in' in other similar verses. A Christian may sin, but does not continue in sin. They repent and make right.

Paul sinned, he called it ''doing what he hated'' Rom 7:15.

If we look closely at Paul's teaching we see that he preaches against mortal sin and continuing unrepentant in sin. Paul never returned to the mortal sin of killing Christians, never! Fact.

Paul isolated a mortal sinner in 1 Cor 5, a ''brother'' guilty of incest'' 1 Cor 5:1. Said ''remove him immediately, don't even eat with him'' 1 Cor 5:11. Further clarified in a verse like 1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
It is not fair to assume Christians who sin are not Christians. It seems you are implying this, Correct me if I am wrong.

Paul would address letters / those in attendance at meetings as ''brothers and sisters in Christ''. It is a respectful way to address the congregation.

This does not mean that Paul believed all in attendance were brothers and sisters. His teaching on sin isolated Christians from Christians.

Paul never believed a Christian can lose their salvation. His teaching is geared toward us ensuring we examine ourselves to ensure we are in fact true Christians.

If you look closely at a passage like 1 Cor 6:9-12 you will see that all the sins mentioned are plural. Paul mentions ''unrepentant and continuing in' in other similar verses. A Christian may sin, but does not continue in sin. They repent and make right.

Paul sinned, he called it ''doing what he hated'' Rom 7:15.

If we look closely at Paul's teaching we see that he preaches against mortal sin and continuing unrepentant in sin. Paul never returned to the mortal sin of killing Christians, never! Fact.

Paul isolated a mortal sinner in 1 Cor 5, a ''brother'' guilty of incest'' 1 Cor 5:1. Said ''remove him immediately, don't even eat with him'' 1 Cor 5:11. Further clarified in a verse like 1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Ok, my point of view is this out of 43 plus years in Christ and over 60 years when i first join a local church, and have pastored, and have lectured to countless of pastors, and have heard the confessions of ministers, pastors, women, men, children, Lawyers, and Doctors, Dentist, Psychiatrist, War Vets, men on their dying beds, Homosexuals, Transsexuals, uncles, Aunts, And have bury, some at the grave, and had to tell mothers that their son had beeen killed by Police officers grown men of many races being a Father of 6 grown kids, the oldest son died from being Poisoned, All these I have witness to, about, not living a good life, but a God who came down here to delivery them from this "sin curse world" that He curse and take them to another place, in which He is preparing a "NEW Cosmos", something so "Magnificent" that the human mind cannot even "Comprehend" or even imaigine, because the human mind is "Finite" and cannot comprehend the "Incomprehensible"! That is why God the Father sent HIs SON to Die such a Violent death, that the world cannot "Comprehend", and The Gift, God the Father is going to present to HIS Son, which is The sole Purpose of all creation, so says the "Volume of The BOOK". I say these things not because I am a person who likes to say things, I say these things because I am "Compel" by a force that was put in me, and not by my choice. But a "Divine Power" that over came me, in 1977, a "Pneumatic", "and when the "Holy Spirit" come in you , you shall receive "Power" to be a Witness unto me"!

And we know, anyone can read or hear about, Jesus, then proclaim Him. But A True "Child of GOD" born of GOD, Born of HIS Spirit" and wash in HIs Blood, IS a "divine creature" that is "Empowered" by The "Holy GHost" for a Special Misssion, on this earth, and this creature, is not a regular "Human Being"anymore, that was born of woman but is a"Entirely Different" creature. like "Night is to Day".

And my messages is written as if it has a "Hidden CODE" within it's message, that only a certain group can understand and the message is "Hidden in Christ Jesus"! That only a Few can understand. And this message was not meant for ALL. So no matter how hard a person may try to understand, or critique. it is type by a "slave" of the "LORD" and Master<, Jesus Christ, and with a "Seal" on it! And I wrote it the way he wanted me to write it. He is my Savior, my LORD, His "Spirit is in me, And I speak not on my own initative but has been empowered even now, to say these words.

So sit back for a while and ponder these things. as we do, in "Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Zechariah concerning these "Prophetic books"

Christains do sin, I know they sin, I sin sometimes, I know many other christians that sin, and the most popular sin of "Christians", they do "Lie" a lot., with a straight face:eyes: Know i didn't say all christians sin, For a lot of you are "perfect" by your own words, Because I have heard say so,, they don't sin. I have no comments on that or thought patterns, "for when I was a child, I Spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man i put away childest things". [NOTE: this has nothing to do with "Human" form. it is "Anthropormorhic" o'k, concerning my thoughts. and not "Worldly Thoughts of expressions"] [Brackets]:eyes:

PS, I really hate using that word "Christian" it causes to many problems, among christians so many different definitons, in all kinds of dictionaries, Lexicons, and different "Religions" settings so many different view points of the word. But is it not Strange, out of the whole translation of the Bible it is only mention 3 times. And only 3 times in the "Original Copied Manuscript". a word that has cause so much trouble, expecially during the "Crusades", and the "Inquistion" and the aftermath still Lingers in the air, and some become angry in temperment and hostility if talked about. [ and if a person says, they are a christian, I take them as a Christian and do not believe they are liars] "For as he thinks within himself, so he is." (Pro. 23:7).

Personally I like The Term "The Way", I notice Jesus used it, and the disciples a lot. When you read the NT. it always pops up! Even in the OT it pops up, now is that not strange.

Let this be "known" i judge not a man concerning his "Religion" and I condemn no one concerning whatever faith they believes in. I am Not A Judge, I am not GOD. My Believe is mine own believeth concerning myself. I push not my believeth on others, I will always talk about what I believe the "Bible" is saying or teaching. It is only my believeth, what i believe it is saying. It is only a "Believeth". I can only speak about what I "Believe". I speak for myself, for that is what GOD will Judge me on that DAY. Now That is My Believeth! I am not going to stand before GOD on your or any others believeth, what you believe and what you say to me. That is not going to happen. And What I say, is what I believe, and I don't want you to stand on what I believe. A person have to know GOD for their self.

So I said this to be clear, to all where I stand. And I cannot be move! I am "Like a tree, planted by the rivers of waters"...etc.
"Work out your own salvation", "Search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life"! I Don't know no one but my self! No one knows me but GOD!

Sometimes you think every "Child of GOD" has read the whole Bible and Have read "Pilgrim Progress" when They 1st became "Born of GOD". As a "Child in Christ, when the "Holy OIl" was pour upon you. And The "Holy Ghost" lead you into these things, you thought He did the same for everyone. And lead them to the same things as He did you, so you followed Him, He was your guide like the Book said, and not a man. So you thought everyone followed "The leading of The "Holy Ghost" and trusted no man or "Insitutionlize churches". But, you see as a young child in Christ you thought like a young child "in Christ".
No, everyone is not the same in "Christ" as you thought as a child in Christ, but when you became more Mature in Christ, you put away "Childish ways". in Christ.
And by Grace and His good pleasure, He lead you and taught you His ways and you found out His Word never lies. The Flaw is in Human Interpretations. And the "Paraclete","Advocate' will never leave you or lead you astray. it has order, And you can trust HIM!

So in essence, we all will stand before the Judgment Seat, and give account of our life on earth, "and judgment will begin at the house of GOD". And i know, no one who have been there and went through the procedures and observed, out comes and came back with a report, concerning the "Bema seat" of the things that took place. Just like all of the Pictures you see of "Jesus Christ", and The Bible Has given a three different Description of Jesus Christ. How he Look when he walk as a man on earth. And how He will looked, approaching the Scroll with the 7 seals on it, And How He will look riding a white horse, The 2nd Coming. and no one paints those pictures in abundance. The only pictures they like to paint is False looks of their own imaginations how they want Him to Look. Where is the protest!

My mother did not raise no fools! You see, Eve didn't have a mother, and Eve did not know "The Cunning" of "The Perfect Adversary". who Was Created by "GOD ALMIGHTY" and Everything GOD MAde was Perfect and Good!:eyes: And the Adversary, The Deceiver, was Perfect in Deception, none like him! He is The Perfection in Deception, without a "flaw". Design to "deceived" Mankind and to help train the "sons of the Living GOD"!

Now I must so illustrate this, the word good, in the site of God and the world might be two different meanings and thought patterns in context. You see , sometimes what the world calls good, God calls evil, what the world calls evil, GOD calls Good.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,”declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.…

If you think I am strange, I am. and My ways are not a worldly talk in expressions of "Christianity" and the ways of Christ, You are right. If my speech seems to be offensive in this world, concerning religious and westernlization Idealism. You would have loved me before I received the Holy Spirit and surrendered my life to Christ and when I calied myself and believe i was a "christain" you would have loved my way of life and speech, and Character. My success, and leadership and a Plus to society, without spot or wrinkle. A leader in the community, an example to be admire, a non church goer, goals reach that "Christian men and children long to achieve, by their own words that came out of their own mouths. "I want to be just like you" when I grow up! Men and Children. Before I was Born again and wash in his Blood! I was not sad or in trouble niether was I sick and in despair or poor. But I always said: Life has to be about, more than this. nice house, nice car, nice job, beautiful looking wife, got everything i want. and is this what it is all about? I has to be more than this, God, I told him even when i was 8 years old, this is a evil world what is it all about, It has to be more to this than things and people, it has to be!

:p it is! Thank you Jesus, for revealing it to us and revealing your Father to Us and The Things to Come, and the things that are going to pass away and be no more and never coming to mind.

So am I also a "Peculiar person" yes I am.
“A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word—and to this they were appointed. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession,to proclaim the virtues of Him who called youout of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.…"

I did not choose Him, He chose me, for this grace. So those who this grace has been bestow on, "rejoice" and be exceedingly glad and give God the Praise.

Shalom, to all of My brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS our Lord. and I pray we all will come into Maturity as One in Christ Jesus our LORD!