Very Interesting thought. I have wondered this many times. On one hand, shouldn't we being acting as if He is coming any moment? I know my first reaction, would be to call all my relatives and pleading with them to get saved, as well as all my Church members, but if I believe what I confess, shouldn't I be doing that anyway? Hmmmmmm. On the other hand, I must be in tune with the Holy Spirit and follow its direction, and speak to whom He directs me too, with the Words He has given me.
We have to treat everyday as the day the Lord returns, and be about the Fathers business. That business for "you" is what the Holy Spirit tells "you" it is today. However, I know this, we are all given the gift of reconciliation and what ever your role in the Kingdom is, it will bring Honor and Glory to God not man and its purpose will be to reconcile a lost world to Him though Jesus Christ our Lord.
Good thought provoking post.
God Bless
Your Pastor T