"As a Christian, how do you show the heart of God to strangers through your actions and words?"
"I just be myself"! If by being a "christian means "I am truly a son of God" then the only thing i have to do is "Be myself"! I talk like a "Child of GOD" Because I walk like one! I look like one! Because I got His mark on me!, I just have to be "Myself"! Because I am different! even the way I turn my head. I am different.
The world has testified: "It is something different about you" The Old folks has said: "son, you have the "Mark' on you" from all races! My wife used to say "You never meet a stranger' "Even babies smile at you"! "And when you walk in a room, the room lights up" When you walk up, people start smiling ,no matter what pain they are going through, even though you are going through pain yourself. My wife have said: i have never seen a man like the grace of God that falls off of you. "And I would tell her,but only if you could feel the pain, that I feel in my heart." and the "oil that is covering me"! There have been days that people thought i could not give the message on that day, The pain in my heart, has drop me to my knees,, and has took my breath away and could not speak. They have had to lift me up and hold me up, then "The Power" of The Holy Spirit" would empowered me to speak. "I have cross a many rivers" a long time ago when this verse of scripture woke me up at a evening sleep! I got up and turn to the page of the Bible that was laying by my side. and my little baby girl asleep by my side.
And these words anointed me with a "Oil I cannot describe", I didn't understand what it meant. But I knew it was something special.
"1Now this is what the LORD says—He who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine! 2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you go through the rivers,they will not overwhelm you. When you walkthrough the fire, you will not be scorched; the flames will not set you ablaze. 3For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; "
About a week later, "All hell broke lose" I didn't get sick. But years of all kinds of pains, punctuated with despair and uncertainties, never a smile on my face. The only comfort i would have would be reading His Word, from Sun up to the "wee middles of The Night'. The only comfort was; "walking the streets of Jerusalem in as I was reading His Word and when I would sleep, I would pray "Father let me dream, walking with Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem. He granted. I travel the "Pilgrims Path" and I walked through "The Dark Night of The Soul", "Plowed through the "Valley of the shadows of death", and felt no comforts of Joy, my faith was so shrouded in darkness so long, and the only sureness WAS The very "Word of God" I had to trust it. The only voice I heard was "Trust Me"! I told my mother, Mama, I cannot muster up a oz of faith neither can I pray, but I heard the words "Trust Me". And she said "Baby, with tears in her eyes, "Then trust Him", And all in His word, my mind would illuminate, I would see "I'm going to bring you out", "trust me". I have got to teach you, and separated you from that "Instittuional church" for whom you love and all of their strange doctrine of man, I told you do not be like them.
Now i do perceived as that verse flashing through my mind, I have crossed a many of rivers and pass through a many of flames., Oh how, have it produce a such sweetness in my soul, that only the Ways of God can do. The only fears i have, even now is "The Purifying Fire of The LORD" for it is the only way we are to be shape into His image, this purity is only produce by a "Consuming Fire " The GOD that burns all the chaff away." for there is no person in his right mind would "walk through this Fire'. It takes a "GOD" to take you through the valleys and the darkness and draw you into the "Purifying Flames".
The Marks of a True "Child of God"! "Just be who you are"
"As a Christian, how do you show the heart of God to strangers through your actions and words?"