I am 60 , I like being 60, I can do about everything I could when 25 !
But seem to have a little more sense?
I do get a kick out of sports with young men, and I am still fast and strong!
They look a little amazed .When I out run them, or keep up with them!
But , I prayed the LORD would let me be like my great brothers Joshua and Caleb!
I believe ? He has to some degree!
I think ? I pretty much look my age!
I like being old!
my little girl goes in stores with me and sometimes asks? daddy , Why are so many old people here?
I say? Honey Daddy is old to.
She says , No Daddy your not old.
I say, Will you miss Daddy , when I go home?
She says? Your not allowed to die Daddy ever.
I just laugh!
Life is kinda nice when old? Just need to go to our Doctor once in a while for healing!
He has never failed me yet!
Of course I expect to dump this old body soon????