Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a great day! i'm just writing today because i need some help. im trying so hard to be a good Christian. But one of the many things im strugiling with right now is...saying "bad words" i dont know why this is such a problem now. I've never had a hard time using good language before. But now I do. I need help. I know how imprtant it is that everything i say be pleasing to the Lord but i dont know how to stop. I'm in the habbit of just saying them now that they just slip out. if you have any ideas or advice let me know.
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building others up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
thank you all so much. i will keep you all in my prayers. May everyone have a very blessed CHRISTmas -Becca-
Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a great day! i'm just writing today because i need some help. im trying so hard to be a good Christian. But one of the many things im strugiling with right now is...saying "bad words" i dont know why this is such a problem now. I've never had a hard time using good language before. But now I do. I need help. I know how imprtant it is that everything i say be pleasing to the Lord but i dont know how to stop. I'm in the habbit of just saying them now that they just slip out. if you have any ideas or advice let me know.
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building others up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
thank you all so much. i will keep you all in my prayers. May everyone have a very blessed CHRISTmas -Becca-
Rest assured, Ephesians 4:29 isn't speaking of swearing in and of itself. It is talking about cutting people down using harsh language. Tearing them down with your words. Not that I advocate swearing, brother. I think the idea that it is profanity or profane words. That is to say words without useful meaning. God is big on the use of words. We read his Word. But why you are resorting to profanity or 'bad words' is another matter entirely.
I was a 'potty mouth' when I came to Christ and my mouth was instantly cleaned. I was the first one who was shocked about that. Since then there have been the occasional times that unacceptable words have formed in my thoughts but I have, as I am instructed to do, brought them into subjection unto Christ.
What you are going through may be a 'symptom' of a greater issue in your walk with Christ. I couldn't possibly advise you on course of action without understanding more about you as a person. That can only be done through conversation as I can 'see' your heart when you speak. Then and only then can I diagnose correctly the underlying issue and prescribe the appropriate medication. That said, if I were a run of the mill spiritual physician, I would first suggest taking the test to see whether you be in the faith. You must test to see if Jesus is within you. If you fail the test then we need to travail you again in birth until Christ be formed in you, which is a serious surgical procedure. Do you have insurance?
All kidding aside. There could be many explanations for this. I will pray that God keep you from being blind to the one it is.
I have two suggestions for you, Becca. My number one suggestion is to definitely think before speaking... think of any other word that can be used to express what you're feeling without having to resort to the use of profanity. I am very fond of words- the dictionary is one of my favorite books (seriously)! Secondly and most significantly, pray about it. Prayers works for any sort of struggle. I know from experience.
bbear, I wonder if there isn't some stressful situation in your recent past that's caused you to have problems with anger. I've been a Christ follower for many years and I still find that when anger rises in me "bad words" rise up also.
I had my friends that were around me the most pinch me
when I said those bad words. Seriously. And I got rid
of anything that might have had cursing influence,
like music, television, etc. Worked wonders on me.
Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a great day! i'm just writing today because i need some help. im trying so hard to be a good Christian. But one of the many things im strugiling with right now is...saying "bad words" i dont know why this is such a problem now. I've never had a hard time using good language before. But now I do. I need help. I know how imprtant it is that everything i say be pleasing to the Lord but i dont know how to stop. I'm in the habbit of just saying them now that they just slip out. if you have any ideas or advice let me know.
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building others up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
thank you all so much. i will keep you all in my prayers. May everyone have a very blessed CHRISTmas -Becca-
Phillipians 4:8 whatsoever things are perfct or just .if there be any virtue or praise..think on these things.. also the bible tells us as a man thinks in his heart so is he...Grabage in garbage out.! be careful with what you fill your heart with...it will manifest from your mouth.consider your influances.MOVIES<GAMES FRIENDS our tounge gets us all in more trouble than we know...even as a minister i too am plauged by what my mouth allows to spill out..proverbs tells us .a man that controls his tounge can control his life...i pray this helps GOD bless you
You may find some of my suggestion funny, but it works for me.
Instead of using profane ones I alter them with another words that is usually nonsense (and sometimes quite foolish).., For example, if I am quite shocked, I would say (in Filipino, by the way) son of a broom (anak ng walis tingting) or son of a smoked fished (anak ng tinapa).The other term that I used in certain situations is "how happy life is" ( ang saya ng life) when something goes wrong.
Most of my friends laughed about it, but when they got used to it they tried it. It works for me in two ways for 1) I led them out of saying bad words and 2) I led myself out of saying bad words.
On the serious side of the matter, pray to God that this habit will stop, and if you have friends that lead you to do this (or other things such as the media) and sooner you would see God works on your habit...
I guess its really hard to avoid once it becomes a habit, you better weed it before it consumes you.
In my observation people only turn into this bad habit/behavior when they associate with others who does too, or get exposed on different medias with its influence.
You must remember that as a Christian, you represent Christ, Matthew 15:18 ESV
But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. people will look up to you and define the word 'Christianity'... maybe you could tract the reason why you suddenly babble this "bad words", avoid bad company who encourages you that 'its ok'.... its normal that we make odd expressions when we get emotionally or physically surprise, but that cant be an excuse, try WantToKnowHim's advice, think of other words to replace those bad words.
The devil will always make you feel that its good to say those words, sometimes for no reason at all it will come out of you. Fill your spirit with the Word of God. Confess to the Lord and repent everytime you accidentally say those words again, dont let a chance pass by without praying..ask the Holy Spirit to help you change. I know eventually you will overcome it with the help of the Lord.