try being taller than average...
Hi, I'm not sure if Jesus Loves Me is still interested.... hasn't been on here since July last year (2007), but just to keep the ball rolling a bit....
I am a teenager with a few years added. When I was about 14 or 15, I was over 6'4" . Now you shorties might think that's cool.....
I remember now, it was 14.... I had to pay adult fares on public transport, which often meant walking as I did not have an adult fare, being still a 'child'. Same went for going to the movies or other places... shows or circus, zoo, etc.
Then I started the lifelong thrill of banging my head on low doorways. Squeezing into little cars, with knees around my ears! Finding clothes that fit...shirts were always too short in the sleeve!
I also had the thrill of being picked on when in places where one might get picked on.... by older, more seasoned fighters, with the idea that if they got the big bloke down, the rest would be a push-over. Occasionally a shorty would decide they had a point to prove.... guess how...attack me!
I played Rugby. Being rather large, I had the position alongside a fellow tall fellow of 2nd row, which meant extra vigorous training and exertion on the field. The little man was fast and hard to catch.... me, an easy target! Splat!
So, do I care? No.
It's all part of who we are. Just as there are many disadvantages served out in this world for tall or short people, there are also many great advantages and opportunities, that belong only to us. (my secret!!)
If you are 'below average' then rejoice! You are a different. I know to a youth, this is perhaps not too good an idea, but I can assure you that if you keep your head about it, you will see that it really makes NO DIFFERENCE to who you are, and makes no difference whatsoever to how much you need to repent, and likewise makes NO DIFFERENCE to how much God loves you in Jesus Christ the Lord.
Try not to let your size or shape or any other thing about you make any difference to the way you see things. Use your uniqueness where you are, to the glory of God, and realise that all have sinned - short and tall and in between -and fallen short of the glory of God.
Think for a moment about the stars and universe...... absolutely HUGE! Now, think about just how much difference there is in human heights.
Bless you all, in Jesus name
Br. Bear