Interpreting GODs' mysteries
Israel, as 'Dry Bones'-
Ezekiel 37- Now, Dry land, but before was the clay
(Isaiah 64:8), exactly when the Most High make a separation between water and water-
Genesis 1:9-, that is, when the Most High separated the Hebrews from the Egypcians through Moses, and He created a celestial environment and called it of expanse, called heaven
(that is the Dispensation of the Old Testament used in the Promised Land), then the Most High, the Lord, the I AM, separated the water
(the Egypcians) that was BELOW of the expanse He created(an heavenly environment), and the water that that was ABOVE the expanse (the people of Israel- GOD's people), and it was evening, and it was morning, the second GOD's Day.
Genesis 1:10-19
10And God called the dry land Earth
(Israel); and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas
(Gentile peoples/nations): and God saw that it was good.
11And God said, Let the earth
(Israel)bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind , whose seed is in itself, upon the earth
(Israel) :and it was so.
12And the earth
(Israel) brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind,and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
13And the evening and the morning were the third day.
(Around 2500 years after Adam)
14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day
(light)from the night(
darkness); and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven
(expanse) to give light upon the earth and it was so.
16And God MADE two great lights;
the Greater Light-JESUS-to rule the day(1Thessalonians 5:4-8), and the Lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
(Daniel 12:3 combined with Revelation 1:20)
17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
"John 5:17 - My Lord JESUS said: My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
GOD sent JESUS in the turn from the fourth Day to the fifth Day, i.e. around 4000 years after Adam, and around 1500 years after Moses. As JESUS said, GOD the Father still was working, in fact was until the END of the recent last millennium, the sixth millennium.
Based in the Word of God, on GOD's six Days of creation and one Day of rest( a total of seven days) plus the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years, so MANKIND would go through six GOD Days of 1,000 years each(a total of 6000 years) plus a Millennium of 1000 years rest (now a total of 7,000 years)
Biblical Chronology - Genesis 5:
Adam lived ...................................................130 yrs-begat Seth
Seth lived ......................................................105 yrs-begat Enosh;
Enosh lived .....................................................90 yrs-begat Kenan;
Kenan lived.....................................................70 yrs-begat Mahalalel;
Mahalalel lived .............................................65 yrs-begat Jared;
Jared lived ....................................................162 yrs-begat Enoch;
Enoch lived ......................................................65 yrs-begat Methuselah;
Methuselah lived..........................................187 yrs-begat Lamech;
Lamech lived..................................................182 yrs-begat Noah;
From Noahs birth until the Flood..........600 yrs.
Total years from Adam to the Flood=1656 years
I- From Adam to the Flood-(Gen.5)---------------- 1656 years
II- From the Flood to Abraham-(Gen. 11&12)-------427 years
III- From Abraham to Exodus-(Gal.3:17)-------------430 years
IV-From Exodus to king Saul-(1Reis6:1(480-84)----396 years
V-From Saul to the fall of Jerusalem ----------------508 years
VI-From the fall of Jerusalem to Jesus ---------------587 years
Thus,from Adam to the 1st coming of Jesus -------4004 years
From Jesus to our days(Christian Calendar)--------2023 years
Total from Adam to our days -----------------------6027 years"
Through Jewish calendar the Jewish people use it for counting time and commemorating birthdays, festivities, weddings, deaths, religious celebrations and other solemnities. According to the Hebrews,the years are counted from what they believe to be the creation of Adam.
Created over 3000 years ago, the Jewish calendar is based on the movements of the Moon and the Sun, and is therefore a lunisolar calendar. In this way, months are counted from the lunar cycles,and years from the solar cycles. Therefore, years can range from 12 to 13 months, with 29 or 30 days.
In September 2023 of the Gregorian calendar, the year 5784 of the Jewish calendar began, exactly on September 15th, and end will occur on October 2th, 2024 .
How to explain the difference of exactly 240 years in the Jewish calendar?
Trying to answer the question by/through/according to biblical events, I found three interesting and suggestive happenings of Jewish History within the Bible, which certainly Jews dismiss without an explanation, perhaps because of shame at facts that are a stain on the nation's history of Israel.
According to biblical events, I found three interesting and suggestive happenings of Israel's chatisements in Jewish History and within the Bible, as described below , each one with its long period of time that certainly Jews discard without an explanation, perhaps because of shame of facts which are a stain on the history of the nation of Israel. (like their original fall; captivity; golden calf/idolatry/ rebellion against GOD)
1-The Jewish Calendar begins in Seth,not in Adam,
so we have less 130 years here;
Jews do not consider their 40 years of wandering in the desert, from Egypt to the promised land;
They do not consider also their shameful 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
This explanation shows why the Jews calendar has a difference of 240 years as was above exposed. What other explanation could there be that would justify this difference of exactly 240 years?
I would like to know