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Bikini -appropriate swimwear??


Jul 8, 2008
Hi all!!

I just wanted to find out what you think is appropriate for teen christian girls to wear when out at the beach or swimming. Do you think it is appropriate to wear a bikini?? I personally feel very uncomfortable with a bikini out in public...:embarasse

I have been asking different people and they all have something else to say!

I would be very interested in what you think!!


I think you shouldn't give anyone the advantage of looking at your body or imagining, your body belongs to God and you at this age, and like my mom puts it "Always keep them wondering!"

If you don't feel comfortable wearing it so just don't it's not worth the fuss anyway, do whatever you please and respect your body, treat yourself with pride and dignity.

Be blessed!
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I wouldn't say it's good for anyone to wear a bikini, because it entices people to sin. And we wouldn't want to be the stumbling block to any of our brothers or sisters in the Lord, we gotta watch out for that.

"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." (1Timothy 2:9-10 NIV, see also 1Peter 3:3-4)

To me, it's to be frowned upon when most of anyone's body is being shown.. that's all you see when you enter todays malls. @.@ I know we're talking about swimming, but I really think Christians should stick with the one pieces. Let's not dress as the world does...

In Christ,
Dear Caroline

Im not a teenager but I am a mum with 2 daughters

The wellbeing of your soul is much more important than the appearance of your body.

I would say to you only wear clothes that glorify the Lord. Wear what you would feel comfortable wearing if the Saviour were standing in front of you now.

The new testament (as Ayla as said in her post) clearly says that women should be modest in their dress.

Flaunting the body is a dangerous form of pride.

God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6)

Flattery and lust of onlookers could lead to increased pride and sexual sin.

Do not love the world or the things that are in the world. if anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in Him; because all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh...the eyes and the pride of life...which is not from the Father (1 John 2 15&17)

God bless you Caroline
