Hi M, can I clarify, Bi means either or? Stick with the opposite and you'll not be far from God's perfect will in your life. I can quote dozens of verses and passages that quite unequivocally confirm that gay's not good as far as God's concerned, in fact so unambiguous is the Bible on this subject you'd struggle to be able to misquote a verse.
Personally I can quote the verses but I honestly can't explain the logic, I have to accept in faith that God's got it right on this one either that or tell Him that I've got it right and He's got it wrong, and I really don't think I'd have the bottle to do that.
To anyone who's gay reading this, I'd say that God's calling you but to please Him and stay within His perfect will He's asking of you a massive sacrifice of celibacy and I know that if with the Holy Spirit you can give Him that, the crown He'll give you will be so big and bright, the rest of us will all need shades!! Please don't waste your time going to church healing classes, being gay is not an illness, it's just the way you are, it's something you have to manage, and it won't change. It's nothing to be ashamed of either, just don't get involved.
This is one of the most decisive issues facing the church and to be honest neither side of the argument has covered itself or God in glory. So on this subject, I'd say don't look to the church for guidance, rather, look to the Bible.
The most relevant verse that I can find is -
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. II Corinthians 5:17 NKJV