Sister rag4aCrown, I understand fully the pains of self condemnation,and I went along with this for a long time even knowing what Rom 8:1 says.I still did not get it, thinking only of my own flaws and shortcoming,then one Sunday in Church our Pastor taught on something that was to me a personal revelation from God's own word.
As there were many who had the same mindset as i had,one brother would take a knife and cut his arm every time he took the Lord's name in vain! I will get to the point as quick as i can in this. But I wanted to give you some back round because i know you have seen the same as well.Remember when Peter denied the Lord 3 different times? Jesus knowing this of course said to Peter I will pray for you.( Luke 22:31-34). Because satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat!!
And so this is also true for each believer!( Rev 12:10-11) Soon after,all the disciples followed in what Peter did as well!( Matt 26:56) When Jesus rose from the dead,Peter said I am going fishing,Peter felt so bad as to what he had done even after that he wanted to go back to what he was doing before Jesus found him.( John 21:1-3)
Now look at verse 7!!( John 21:4-7) Peter finding out the Lord was in the boat with him jumped into the sea!! Not feeling worthy enough to even be in the boat with our Jesus! Jesus knowing how Peter's heart was after breakfast,spoke to him something that changed Peter's mindset forever!! ( john 21:15-25) There is so much to see in these verses,I will let you see them for yourself and let Holy Spirit in you testify this for your own life,even as he did mine.
But consider Jesus when he told Peter 3 times to feed my sheep! The very same number of times Peter denied our Jesus! And ended it with FOLLOW ME!!! verse 19 and verse22!! Another words sister,it is far more important to know where you are going,rather then what you should leave behind!( Luke 9:62) And so dear sister it was upon this sermon that I to did not choose ever to look back!!( Phil 3:12-14!!!)
If we look to humble our self by condemning our self we bear the fruit of our own work,and that work we our self look to produce brings the same result as Abraham result with Ishmael.( Gen 16) And then the Lord himself with no help from man in Gen 21! So it is sister today with us! The only way one can see this is by Holy Spirit!! I know,because for many years people kept telling me things like this, but it was only by Holy Spirit,that my eyes were opened to the importance of receiving once and for all Jesus pure love everyday! ( Psalm 27:13). Expecting everyday to see his goodness!! What a difference!! Because truly I would have despaired had I not believed i would see the goodness of God in the land of the living!! This is true for us all sis!! Blessing!