Hey guys, my name is Josh.
When I encountered Jesus' teachings I found it strange that more people, who professed to be Christians, weren't sharing what Jesus taught.
Through what Jesus has already said, it has become much clearer why that is... But there is still an urgent need for us all to fulfil the great commission (Matt 28:19-20: 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.)
I would like to become a great preacher in God eyes, through serving him; how he wants me to. But what makes a great preacher?
Any thoughts or suggestions?
I was looking online and I found this video -
What do you brothers and sisters out the think about the video?
Peace and love from Josh
It is the opposite of what "good preaching" should be. That video would be well accepted among Americans attracted to socialism, free money for people who don't like to work, free education for professional students who like living in college dorms, etc. They would love it until everyone had "enough" not to go out of their homes, the whole nation crumbling from destitution of none working for a living anymore. When the Treasury dries up the jobs would have already disappeared anyway. One need not have to experience poverty to appreciate prosperity, which is relative to many scenarios. Poverty to extreme is a curse, not a blessing, a great danger, having some dangers shared by the very wealthy.
Proverbs 30:7-9 (KJV)
7 Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die:
8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:
9 Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.
There is a homeless camp across town near an industrial park. Much help has been offered, but there is no perceptible change in their lives. They all stay dressed very poorly even though new clothes are piled on picnic benches. Being nicely dressed draws scorn for their community. The donated stuff gets returned to the stores, cash used for pot and drugs. They will not come out of their tents or boxes to let us minister, but will take food left on their tables. Any resellable cans are traded for other things. A Coleman camp stove with cans of fuel and lighters, cook pans, and food was donated by a little group from our church, but before the delegation left, a homeless man headed out with it to do the usual, get to the pawn shop. Residents can't dare leave their digs lest they return to find it all gone. They are trapped there, always having to leave someone home. People with criminal backgrounds are their "police", ruling them ruthlessly. A free health clinic was established close enough fo them to walk to, but they won't use it for fear of having to identify themselves. Those included mothers on drugs with children in the camp. Some are found and required to attend school, so the buses pick them up. We were glad they would receive hot meals there, until learning from teachers those kids won't accept free meals for fear they will be noticed as "one of those homeless". Teachers are letting them "steal" foods they put around to be found, like a bunch of sliders in a bag from a burger outlet. Nobody takes it all, but they are shared thrugh the day.
I've visited with several over the years, some former Teen Challenge whose stories run along the same theme. Got on drugs, got fired, then the utilities were cut off. Sold everything including the car, let the dogs and cats run off, then got an eviction notice. The city requires a water and sewer account to be maintained to live there. Still on drugs, they have little other choice. They've quickly gone from poor and of little help to anyone else, to too poor to help at all, to totally cursed to help themselves. They have become too bitter to give God another chance, so will not stay around gospel preaching.
Now if that's blessing to anyone reading, at least be thankful you have access to the internet. But preaching that's the route Jesus wants for
anyone is absurdity. Rather than be overbearing in spirit to a fault, be poor in spirit, needing the Lord, so Jesus can make you spiritually rich.
Open the Bible and just start reading. If you do that often enough the Lord will help you come up with a sermon. Then when you get a chance to preach, be prepared for the Lord to say "That was for your benefit. I have something else to say to this church."