Dear Lord God, I pray for GA's cousin. He really seems to be going through the mill, poor guy. Makes you wonder how you cope when disasters seem to queue up at your door wanting to take a chunk out of you.
The answer is a choice between despair and a destructive vortex in which everything seems to implode with no escape other than the oblivion that the bottle gives, and life through the incredible, all powerful, loving God who sent His son Jesus to die for us to keep us away from the consequences of our sinful lives, guiding us through all that life has to throw at us .
So I pray for my sister GA that she wil have opportunity and the wisdom of your words to point him in the direction, towards life, towards you. It's only in you Lord that we can find any hope of overcoming life's issues and I pray dear Lord that she'll be able to plant that seed and so begin a restoration and recovery for her cousin and bring glory to your name.