i know Jesus is with me------------but i just cant relate to the churches here---i know a beleiver must connect with other believers--years ago when i was first saved i related-loved to grow talk with other brothers sisters in the lord----i backslid-bad---i am back--------feel Jesus relate to Jesus--but missing that fellowship-----i am not perfect----------it seems churches i attend are so churchy-----Jesus in me is MY LIFE_____its not a religion-something i do so i fit in---------something to get me out of trouble---JESUS is my life-------its everyday---every minute-------
i dont know------i have Jesus in me----but i know i need to connect to his family--i try but it seems to be a diss connect-it concerns me--------------
As a counselor you probably can put to words and give them to another on what is needed to come to understand what has transpired in their lives, and begin the process by which they will heal and move forward. Use this ability that God has granted you to have, to begin to see how He has used this occasion in your life, to get you back on track and grow even more in Him.
Connecting with others will be part of this growth as well. Review your own testimony, with what you have stated in your post to see how fellowship was a part of your life then and what it truly meant to you. I don't know if it lacked that firm foundation of accountability necessary to truly help one in a time of need, with the honesty required when one is starting to tumble or swerve down the path of worldliness. Only you know the specifics of what happened with those you previously fellowshipped with and the period leading up to you crashing hard.
Keep in mind that the missing fellowship from previous recollections, and the fellowship you now seek, might not be the same thing. I can only assume years have transpired between the beginnings of your trials and your delivery/recovery (like Nebuchadnezzar after seven years) to where you are now. You are not now, who you were then. Change and growth occurs. For as believers, we are reborn and will ever continue to grow.
Those who have posted here are correct. First seek Him and everything else will follow. Fellowship, does not have any specific mold by which even a "churchy" environment can prevent two or three in Christ to come together in fellowship. For He is here at TJ, and everywhere those who believe in Him are gathered. Fellowship can take place anywhere, anytime. Just don't believe it will be the same as before. If only for the very fact that I've stated before. You are not that same person!
Continue in your growth in Him. Go to bible classes, studies, as an example. You will find that as you participate in activities with other believers that the growth that has happened in you, will open that door to fellowship that you are seeking to have. Remember, it will be new, fresh, as the prodigal son coming home, as a new, maybe even more humble man of God.
Your own testimony will be used to help others, through unknown avenues, so too will the fellowship you seek be found. As always remember, no matter what we do or say, let it be to the Glory of God!
Praying that these words may be of help to you, if even a little.
With Love.
My Prayer: Heavenly Father, I praise Your great name. For You alone are worthy to be praised in all Your goodness and mercy. Thank You for cleansing me of my iniquities and bringing me to Your side. I bring before you twc130. Guide and direct him in the paths of Your righteousness and cause him to desire Your ways. Continue to fashion him into Your holy image. That the light he walks in be the light that he has fellowship with. Hear my prayer in the name of your Holy Son Christ Jesus, I pray. Amen.