How important is it to go to church?
Many have got out of the habit and routine due to the dangers of covid. Yet, Jesus worshipped regularly, so His example is set before us. He also said it was important to be baptised in Matthew chapter 3, verse 15.
So if we do not attend church, are we disobedient or missing an important part of Christian life?
Well 2 problems here.
1) The Church is the body of Christ. Therefore the Church is in session anywhere a true believer is. The building that is called the Church is just that a building where
believers meet for congregational worship and to learn from one another and look after one another. To see that the needs of the group are met. Not really sure that actually
happens these days but thats the focus of gathering. But the costs of maintaining a building etc.... take from the groups ability to take care of one another. Eventually it becomes
more about the building than the believers.
2) Jesus never attended Church. He went to the synagogues because thats where the people were that He was told to give the message too. Most anywhere He was seemed a good place to pray and/or worship the Father, but in the mountains alone seemed to be the best place for Him. He was on a mission and was in contact with the Father continually as God
was in Him, just as He is in you, I assume.
lastly there is only one witness from Paul that simply says do not forsake the gathering. He spent many years in prison, so kinda hard to gather on his behalf. And He never says that
should be daily, weekly, monthly etc... let the Spirit of the Lord guide you. Be still and listen for guidance.
We are here on this site, and others, gathering daily, not just Sundays and Wednesdays.
On this type of site you are free to ask or reply to questions 24/7 which will allow you to grow quicker in understanding than in another Sun/Wed group. Not to mention
their only there an hour or two and usually have a predetermined sermon that in most cases is just milk, not that there are not some who need milk, but if they never get past
the milk you'll never receive chewable food. You are to learn the truth from the Holy Ghost within you, then when you do go to a gathering you will know if they are wrong
or telling the truth, that will separate you. If you choose the group over the truth then you forfeit higher wisdom, understanding, revelation etc.....
And whether you like this last statement or not, Organized Christianity is so bad that it has become the pulpit for politics, Satanic doctrine, and just about anything else you
can think of under the common header of Christianity. But it is far from it. Indeed it is even an issue that must be overcome and will be as God shows you the truth in the word
it will separate you from the chaff that will not come out of her My people.
The great Harlot is the original polluting state religion of Rome. The daughters of the harlot are those other protestant denominations that came out from her initial doctrines.
some hold to some of the things she teaches but pretty much all have flat out lies imbedded in their teachings. And we will include any other religion here as well.
What we have is relationship with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, that is not religion that needs a building, for they are in you and you are the building.
I was sent to a few buildings back in the day, but as soon as you open your mouth they toss you out as they have a preconceived doctrine that has no tolerance for light being shined
on it. But God is faithful and gives multiple opportunities to His youngsters to see higher truth, some will see and some not, most do not and will defend the lie to the death.
Unteachable and typically do not bother to study the issues.
You read, you listen to the Holy Ghost, and study for awhile over issues such as a Rapture-false, Jesus is God-false, and there are others but study one or two and He will show you
the truth concerning them. Then go to whatever building you wish and listen to the doctrine if it aligns with the Holy Ghost OK, if not, time to listen only to the Holy Ghost and
if He sends you anywhere go, sometimes it is for you, sometimes it is a message for them, either way you will be obedient.