I've already consoled a couple people, and they tell me that I really helped them, see where they were, and where they were headed. That God really is there no matter what, and even though they're going through difficult times, He really Does care.
I've already been through a lot, even though Im 14. I've gone through my mom & dad splitting up, & him cheating, and almost commiting suicide a couple of times. PRAISE THE LORD!! each time failed miserably!!! The one I feel the Lord wants me to help is moving, about a 9 hour drive from where I am. But I can still keep in touch w/ email. I feel I should just be his friend, but show that I do care, b/c he does . Im really going to miss him & his family.. but the Lords been dealing with me on that & Hes helping me..Im so glad Hes always there to lean on
Thanx for the advice, although I dont have many elders to go to, I'll try the ones I do have. I also feel called to be a prayer warrior, I've stayed up many a night, tossing & turning, thinking about someone, then get up & stay up til about 4:00am praying for them...then finally fall into bed, & sleep for maybe an hour, but Im just glad the Lords already using me. Many of my friends have no clue what their calling is yet. Thank The Lord, He's already chosen to show me mine, & give me the talents to go along with them.