God's way of dealing with Depression. .
Depression can be relieved by patiently mediating on God's word and expecting him to Act
Psalm 42:6
Prayer is key to handling depression
1 Samuel 1:10
It's is useful to count your Blessings
Psalm 107:8-9
Praise can chase away depression
Psalm 34:1-3
Christian music can help dispel depression
Psalm 33:1-3
Feeling depressed and discouraged doesn't last forever
Psalm 30:5
Psalm 119:165
If we are emotionally depressed, i.e. having deep feelings of overwhelming sadness, dejection and hopelessness, we definitely need to get into the Word of God, pray, praise God, and sing, etc. The opposite of worry is faith. When we feel this way, we may have a "woe is me" attitude which questions the sovereignty of God over our lives and his power to work miracles in and through our circumstances for his glory and for our good. We may be listening to Satan's lies, and may even doubt God's goodness to us, and his watch and care over us. We may be guilty of having taken our eyes off Jesus and we are focused, instead, on all the waves crashing all around us. We feel hopeless because we have lost sight of God's purpose in creating us for his glory and purposes, and we may be doubting that he is absolutely in control over all that goes on in our lives, and we may have forgotten his tons of promises to us, and all we can see is our problems, which may seem to have no solution, and we wonder when things will get better, or when they will change for the good. The reality is, they may not get better, at least not in this life. Are we willing to accept that?
For me, when I begin to feel even the slightest amount of sadness over things in my life which are out of my control, though I may cry, and I will pour out my heart to God, I will listen to him speak his words to my heart. I will trust in his sovereignty over my life, believe that he works all things for good in my life, and that he has a plan and a purpose for it all. And, so I give it over to him, rest in him, believe in his promises, and I put on the armor of God with which to fight off Satan's evil schemes against me. Singing songs of praise to God, especially out loud, is awesome therapy! Reading encouraging scriptures, especially out loud, is also wonderful for lifting our spirits and for giving us the courage to keep going, even when we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, or even when we have no assurance that things will improve this side of heaven. And, having an eternal perspective in view instead of looking only at what is right in front of our faces has a way, too, of lifting us out of depression, and getting us to see that it isn't just about us, i.e. there is a much bigger picture going on here than what we can possibly imagine. And, God is working in ways we cannot see to change people's hearts, and what we are going through may be needed for just that purpose.
I know there are times when I get really sad, and I feel like crawling up into a ball and just sleeping, but what does that accomplish? Nothing! I may get some rest, which I may need (or not), but what have I gained? So, I can either let my circumstances get the best of me, or I can get the best of them by not letting them have power over my life. I can either take my eyes off Jesus and look at the waves crashing all around me and begin to sink, or I can step out in faith, and walk with my Lord, in his light, according to his purposes for my life, in obedience to his calling on my life, and trust him to accomplish in and through my life what he had purposed even before the creation of the world. I need to keep an eternal perspective, and believe in his promises and rest in his love, trust in his provisions, and keep on keeping on being and doing what he has called me to be and do, no matter how hard things get, or if the road ahead gets even more bumpy, because he truly is good, and he won't let me down - never!