We most times expect situations to sought themselves out,and most times our Lord keeps saying to us I have given you folks all I have got change it,is it possible for a believer to change an unbelieving spouse?I think it is possible,by faith Mark 11:23,it now becomes the responsibility of the other spouse to go into warfare by praying and fasting for that lost soul,this should be done with all vehemence and
concentration,declaring the word of God on the lost soul.We are kings and priest on earth Rev1:6,and where the word of a king is there is power,start praying and fasting sis declaring the word of the king that you are on your husband,those agents of demise controlling him shall loose him in Jesus name,declare his release from their dungeon in the power of name of Jesus and believe,and your husband will become what he has been predestined for,you are the strongman of the house and decide what happens,Jesus is on your side.