I would be really interested to hear testimony from any Christian who has been in pagan lands in response to The Great Commission.
I have fairly recently returned from India and during my time there I stayed in a very remote village called Govindgarh of about 2000 inhabitants in the desert region of Rajasthan. Gorvindgarh is mainly Hindu with a sizeable minority of Sikhs and a few Muslims. No one had seen a white person ‘in the flesh’ before and Jesus had never been heard of. So as you can imagine it was almost impossible to ‘break the ice’ as it where.
After a few days of listening to me about Jesus, a few young men wanted me to go and see where ‘their god’ lived. I was informed he was ‘dangerous’ and we had to be very careful how we approached him. After about 20 minutes trek into the desert we came to a ruined pagan temple; little remained of it except the basement. It was covered with sand and in the sand was a small opening about 7x7 feet rather like the mouth of a cave leading to the basement of the ruins.
About 20 yards from the entrance, the young men stopped and warned that it was prohibited to go any nearer. I said I would like to go into the cave and see ‘their god’ but they assured me with fervent conviction that no one had ever entered the cave and come out alive - anyone who enters is never seen again! They told me of the terrifying fates of those in the past who had attempted to enter. I was faced with a dilemma; I had told them about ’my God’ - The Almighty and All Powerful God - was I now to heed these pagans and accept ’their god’ was more powerful than ’my God’? For me it had echoes of Elijah's challenge to the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. It was time for my faith to become works!
In the face of frantic opposition (they were convinced beyond any doubt of my certain death) I entered the cave. Because of contrast of the extremely intense bright light of the desert sun and the extreme blackness inside the cave I could see nothing, there was thick blackness. There was an indescribable dank stench and a sound of scuffling. I had a still 35mm camera with me which had an inbuilt flash so I pointed the camera aimlessly into the blackness. I was unable to get the photos developed until I returned to ’civilisation’ some months later so at the time I had no idea what the camera had captured .
When I emerged out of the cave the young men outside reacted as though they had seen a ghost - they actually had to touch me and feel me to be sure it was me and not my reincarnation. On return to the village the young men told the account to the villagers and the next day I had the attention of the entire village assembled together. God had opened a door for the Gospel to be preached to the pagans of Govindgarh and that door is still open. I hope to be returning one day.
Next time I will share what God did with a 12 year old epileptic pagan boy in the terrible slums of Old Delhi.
It is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord.
Your brother in Jesus
PS. If anyone would like to see the photos, including what the camera captured in the blackness of the cave, I will be happy to electronically transmit them to you.
I have fairly recently returned from India and during my time there I stayed in a very remote village called Govindgarh of about 2000 inhabitants in the desert region of Rajasthan. Gorvindgarh is mainly Hindu with a sizeable minority of Sikhs and a few Muslims. No one had seen a white person ‘in the flesh’ before and Jesus had never been heard of. So as you can imagine it was almost impossible to ‘break the ice’ as it where.
After a few days of listening to me about Jesus, a few young men wanted me to go and see where ‘their god’ lived. I was informed he was ‘dangerous’ and we had to be very careful how we approached him. After about 20 minutes trek into the desert we came to a ruined pagan temple; little remained of it except the basement. It was covered with sand and in the sand was a small opening about 7x7 feet rather like the mouth of a cave leading to the basement of the ruins.
About 20 yards from the entrance, the young men stopped and warned that it was prohibited to go any nearer. I said I would like to go into the cave and see ‘their god’ but they assured me with fervent conviction that no one had ever entered the cave and come out alive - anyone who enters is never seen again! They told me of the terrifying fates of those in the past who had attempted to enter. I was faced with a dilemma; I had told them about ’my God’ - The Almighty and All Powerful God - was I now to heed these pagans and accept ’their god’ was more powerful than ’my God’? For me it had echoes of Elijah's challenge to the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. It was time for my faith to become works!
In the face of frantic opposition (they were convinced beyond any doubt of my certain death) I entered the cave. Because of contrast of the extremely intense bright light of the desert sun and the extreme blackness inside the cave I could see nothing, there was thick blackness. There was an indescribable dank stench and a sound of scuffling. I had a still 35mm camera with me which had an inbuilt flash so I pointed the camera aimlessly into the blackness. I was unable to get the photos developed until I returned to ’civilisation’ some months later so at the time I had no idea what the camera had captured .
When I emerged out of the cave the young men outside reacted as though they had seen a ghost - they actually had to touch me and feel me to be sure it was me and not my reincarnation. On return to the village the young men told the account to the villagers and the next day I had the attention of the entire village assembled together. God had opened a door for the Gospel to be preached to the pagans of Govindgarh and that door is still open. I hope to be returning one day.
Next time I will share what God did with a 12 year old epileptic pagan boy in the terrible slums of Old Delhi.
It is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord.
Your brother in Jesus
PS. If anyone would like to see the photos, including what the camera captured in the blackness of the cave, I will be happy to electronically transmit them to you.