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Feb 26, 2008
i don't understand okay do i stopped believing in god and ever since then my life has been a living hell!! i hate it the one i love is hurting me emotionally i don't know how to get him back i need help i can't deal with it..:embarasse::unlove:
Trust only in the Lord...He will help you...and show you the way ...:love:

Psa 103:13 As a father is kind to his children, so the LORD is kind to those who honor him. He knows what we are made of; he remembers that we are dust. As for us, our life is like grass. We grow and flourish like a wild flower; then the wind blows on it, and it is gone--- no one sees it again. But for those who honor the LORD, his love lasts forever, and his goodness endures...
i don't understand okay do i stopped believing in god and ever since then my life has been a living hell!! i hate it the one i love is hurting me emotionally i don't know how to get him back i need help i can't deal with it..:embarasse::unlove:

I understand what you are feeling and I know that it hurts alot. There is nothing that we can do to make others love us. I have found in my life when trials come in my life that the Lord is trying to get your attention? I am sure that you have read about Job in the Bible. What do you think that God is trying to do in you life?
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Only God knows why these things happen to us. Remember, when one door closes, God has another opened.. Stay strong!! Trust in the Lord your God and he will give you all the desires of your heart.. And yes, that even means finding the right person. So now, just know that there is a time for everything and maybe your time to find your other half is not now..

You've gotta stay positive and have patience. Take this time as a time to understand yourself more and learn and grow more in Christ Jesus. Develop a closer relationship and you will see the love you're looking for can be found nowhere else but through Him.
Does this not show you that it is better to love the Lord than to turn away!
Maybe this isnt the guy He had in mind for you. trust in the Lord and he will guide you