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SignUp Now!I think, many of us, as christians are having a very hard in "believing the WORD of GOD". Christ has Not set Up his Kingdom here yet, This is the Kingdom of Satan and the World and many christians are interfering With another person "House" this is not our World, if you have been "Born from Above".
Let the world do what the world wants to do, and stay out of their way! Stay out of their WAY!
New King James Version
Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
anyone who is Not "Born of God" full of the spirit of God and walking in the way of God are the "ungodly" nominal christians are the ungodly.Tell me what this means to you and how do you live it out in relationship to the Great Commission which I assume you are obedient to.
People of this world cannot be the people of GOD .
So are you saying we are to entertain demons and devil worshippers, people full of the demonic unclean spirits of fornicating and adulterous demons, and lying and thieving demons, and all kind of vile creatures that God the Father will cast into the lake of fire and to be tormented for ever and ever and their worms Will die not. the same kind of people in the Old Testament who hosted these evil spirits, in which you are familiar with who "Israel" refuse to destroy them all, and that is why "Israel" until this very day has become the most wicked of all the nations that the Lord sent them in to destroy.Thanks for the reply dear and respected brother, @PloughBoy , I'm trying to understand what you mean here above.
"Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong?
Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated? No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren!
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
-1st Corinthians 6:7-11
I'm trying to understand what you are saying as I know that you know more Bible than I do.
So please break it down for me in light of the verse above.
Paul is listing all these sins, sounds like people of the world to me. Then he says,
So those who are Christians now, what were they before they were Christians? Weren't they people of the world that now
have change?
So I'm trying to understand what you mean by people of this world cannot be people of God.
So are you saying we are to entertain demons and devil worshippers, people full of the demonic unclean spirits of fornicating and adulterous demons, and lying and thieving demons, and all kind of vile creatures that God the Father will
So are you saying we are to entertain demons and devil worshippers, people full of the demonic unclean spirits of fornicating and adulterous demons, and lying and thieving demons, and all kind of vile creatures that God the Father will cast into the lake of fire and to be tormented for ever and ever and their worms Will die not. the same kind of people in the Old Testament who hosted these evil spirits, in which you are familiar with who "Israel" refuse to destroy them all, and that is why "Israel" until this very day has become the most wicked of all the nations that the Lord sent them in to destroy.
They were the wicked of all people because they would not destroy all of those demonic possess Nations.
Yes you are right when quote this verse:
"And such were some of you".
yes we were The children of Satan, and not of GOD.
He had to make us "A NEW CREATURE" the old creature was a "child of the devil". and now as a "new creature" we are the children of GOD.
The other are not, and they only thing, keeping them from killing us, Our mothers, children, fathers, brothers and sisters is "The Grace of GOD" the demons in them Know who we are, and those demons in all of the people who are not "Born of God" are going straight to Hell and then The Lake Burning with fire and brimstone and they will never die.
Think, God is not sending people to Hell and the lake burning with fire and brimstone and they never will die but will suffer throughput all eternity, Think, God does not send them to damnation just because they do not believe in God,
All the people in the world are the children of the devil, everything babies and all, beginning,, coming out of "Adam and Eve", is a child of the devil. The fall in The Garden of EDEN" People are The Apex Predators, "GOD has RESTRAINTS on ManKind. That is why when the rapture comes, The restraints of man will be taken off, He will kill and destroy every thing in sights, his neighbors, his child, his wife, her husband her child, Who do you think the Armies of Heaven is coming after "Jacobs Trouble" and "Blood will be up to The Horses bridle. why do you think the world have never seen anything like it?
It will be the "beast [man] against beast [man], man is the beast! that is what he is when the restraints are taking off, it is not going to be army against army, it will be man against man, neighbor against neighbor, there will not be a safe place, No where.
no-one wants to read their bibles, they pick the stores and the verses they like, and they have a imagination about God and the world, "For Satan has Deceived the "WHOLE WORLD" the christians are deceived the governments are deceived the mothers are deceived all of the fathers are deceived the schools all are deceived all of the churches are deceived, the whole world is deceived, and the whole world love lies and the Darkness, a child of God has to believe this, and then they will see the TRUTH, you cannot believe lies and come to the knowledge of The TRUTH, you must Believe that You are Deceived to see The TRUTH!. for God is the only one that can make The blind to see. Believe the truth that you are Blind.
Spiritual Blindness
…40Some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard this, and they asked Him, “Are we blind too?” 41“If you were blind,” Jesus replied, “you would not be guilty of sin. But since you claim you can see, your guilt remains.”
If you cannot see that and admit that you are a Pharisee, then you are still walking in the dark, I mean Honestly seeing you are a "Pharisee, and walking in darkness , stumbling, and not looking at me, you must look at your self and preach to yourself and then you are preaching to others . If you are not in pain and suffering as you look all around , so painful that the "LORD" has to Pour The HOLY on Your soul to comfort you about all the Pain and suffering from the darkness that surround us all, and if you can see people who they really are you would die from the Horror and fear from what they really look like, it is grace that you cannot see what fallen humans really look like, the best would terrify you. if you saw them, no way would you mate with one.
Christian are into christianity and churches and not into God the Father and believing in The WORDS OF HIS SON. It is by grace that we are saved and not of our saves'we are horrible, and it "repented that God even CREATED MANKIND" BUT the finishing product. "is a Gift for His Only SON" and it has taken all of this to make a gift for his only Son" in which is "us" "The Sons of The LIVING GOD". it has taken all of this terror and horror to do this. But it is because The LOVE the Father has For his Only SON> is why and not us, we are nothing and horror to him, But the gift is the prize and the waste will be cast away.
we are so horrible and filled will so much pride just like own father the devil, and we think that we are so good and the Father loves us, all that much we walk with our heads up, and Never consider a Holy God made his Only son go through so much suffering for us, to even think, that A God thought more, about us than his his Only Son is "PURE EVIL" on the Highest of ALL levels throughout all eternity. that is why the grace is so great to die and redeem a creature so evil, to even think a God would die for them, and suffer so much pain, Our wickedness is so great that makes the GLORY given to us from our wickedness, how could a God redeem us and Make us into an image like his Son and give us a part of His Only Son a Share of His Inheritance , But the finish produce that was CREATED IN Christ Jesus" "he gave him brothers just like him " NOT A BRIDE! You see how evil this creature is calling one of his Sons a bride and The lord Christ His brothers are just like him, they call his brothers a bride and they see no harm, Because the pride of there father the devil he will defy into the very end. The evil of him that is still apart of us.
it is by grace that he does not cast, us all, into the lake of fire, right now and watch us all burn and scream .
The more we grow in Christ the more we see "the TRUTH" and The TRUTH is Not great who we really are. Even who we will be, troubles us , when we know from where we came from. But His Holy Oil Pours on us, to ease the pain of who we really are or came from. "The Richness of His Grace"
you cannot smile you cannot laugh, But cannot resists The Joy he pours on you and you know you do not deserve none because you know who you really came from, That Only A GOD could do. that. To Create us, into what we Will be,
New American Standard Bible
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
The Angels, Heaven, The devil, the demons, the rain, the Sun the moon, the blood, the wars, the mountains, the air, the violence, the sickness, the fire, the snow, the wind, the oceans, the steel, the iron, the wicked , the male ,the female, the dog, the sheep, the wolf, the grass, the weeds, the bugs, the anger, every thing is combine to make us in what we will be, it takes it all being created in Christ Jesus , that only "GOD THE FATHER" could do in honoring His only Son in whom He is well please and he wanted to do something for Him. and present Him A GIFT AND A CORONATION.
But even now the corrupted human even saved by grace want to steals the show and thinks it is all about him. Oh Lord how evil we are.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief. The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow. For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."
but the pureness of His Joy, is unbearable in this body.
Sounds like you kinda edgy, and summer time is getting close. You better leave those 2 legged demons alone. I bet you understand that.What do think my position is that you are attempting to reply to?
Could you articulate in one to two sentences what you think my position is which you are replying to?
I believe you may be challenging a strawman here.
With Love,